Super Mario Bros. Demake DEMO
Hello all, today I wanted to present my Super Mario Bros. demake, in a work-in-progress state.
This has been worked on for about a month or two, mostly due to me trying to create my own platforming engine, but failing miserably, and some troubles. This demo uses the Advanced Micro Platformer engine by @mhughson. Check it out- it's pretty cool! Also, I know that his SMB remake also uses this engine, although his has larger sprites, and mine has smaller, you get what I mean..? Anyways, the cartridge is linked below, try it, although it's very barebones and spaghetti coded if you're looking into it with a technical view!
[8x8] | |
I created this to teach myself PICO-8. It has animations, and should be 100% accurate to the original game, including scoring (please let me know if this is not the case). All the 2048 versions I've found on the PICO-8 BBS don't have animations, or have different rules.
Since PICO-8 only supports 16-bit signed integers, it would only allow scores up to 32767, which is a problem with 2048 where scores can go much higher than that. I had to create a long integer "class" to fix that, which took a while. However, it still only supports scores up to just over 3 million. I decided that's probably enough.
Git Repo
Original game by Gabriele Cirulli
Mouse: Oh yum! There is some cheese just lying on the floor! YAY!!11!
Human guy living in the house: Hey, that's MY cheese... shoots missile
Mouse: oh NO! (what kind of game description is this anyway?)
Use the arrow keys to move and z to burrow underground!
Dodge missiles and a certain traitorous bounty hunter...
Try to get 300 points!