CCKEY (Inject below)
I saw some talking about what control style is better, so i created this. The end to all controls.
KeyRnd inject
If youd like to use this in other cartridges, here is the code. simply add this to a new code tab,
and change the inputs if you have other vars for those. Thanks for using this thing!
--[[keyrnd by antibrain]] --[[do not eat]] --possible keys. dont change unless you have to. possible={}foreach(split([[ abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvqxyz`\-=[];',./ ]],""),function(t)if t!=" " and t!="" then add(possible,t)end end)poke(0x5f2d,1) --write input vars here, seperated by a space. [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=148514#p) |
Play as the Special Teams HOLDER in this high stakes, pulse pounding simulation.
Phase 1 - Press O (keyboard Z) to snap the ball, use the direction pad to catch the ball and move on to phase 2.
Phase 2 - Use left and right to align the laces perfectly in the center, ensuring the kicker has a perfect setup.
Press X (keyboard X) at any time to restart. Being a Special Teams HOLDER requires lightning reflexes- arrows on the keyboard will work but it is best played with a controller.
Do you have what it takes to be a Special Teams HOLDER?
Made for the 21st Eggjam. Special thanks to Simon Wittmann for the inspiration and technical consulting.
Please help with the code
I would also like to add 2th High score next to in the pannel
Now I only have the Highscore
if player and player.score>hiscore then
if flash and player.score>hiscore then
Simple Background Editor!
NOTE - "tile" mode is just for debugging how it will look against a tilemap, its not saved to the background
controls are explained inside the tool, you can also right click to copy the color the cursor is over!
once you save the background, it will be copied to your clipboard as a string to use.
Background Usage Example!
open this project in pico-8 to see how to implement these backgrounds, theyre fast n' cheap!
Henry Jr and the Satchel of Doom
You are a famous professor of archaeology and you have found a secret cave somewhere in the deepest jungle of the Americas. Luckily, you came prepared with your trusty satchel. It is a satchel, not a handbag! But it is also doomed. It seems there is always room for more, no matter how many artefacts you stuff into it. Like your greed! Unfortunately, you have no choice but to travel deeper into the cave to find more artefacts.
Avoid shooting skulls, flying blocks, deadly traps and ugly nazis.
Update 1
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a bonus game loop. Hopefully 🤞
How to play
Avoid falling and flying blocks: ⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️
This is an animated version of a procedural dungeon generator. It was inspired by a blog post (details below), which included a number of animated demo's which I found quite hypnotic to watch. So I built this to emulate the demo. I also have a cut-down version which runs straight through and generates a full dungeon in one hit. In hindsight I should have probably built the run-through version first and then expanded it out to animate it as I think that would have made for more efficient code.
The generated 'dungeon' is a 2D array of cells, each of which has a type of either wall, passage, door or room (represented by number constants). It could potentially be translated to a simple grid of numbers representing colours or a tilemap, or used as the map for a raycasting 3D game.
A slightly tweaked version of @Yolwoocle's Pico Dino. The game runs at 60fps instead of 30 and also saves your highscores locally. (I'm like 95% sure I fixed all the bugs that came up from the fps conversion but if I didn't let me know :)
V1.3: Fixed a bug where objects stop working after about 3000 score
A simple but very annoying platformer. Arrows to move and double-jump. No checkpoints, watch out for obstacles near the end.
Platformer code provided by
Inspired by
Adaptive music implemented from
Note: I haven't beaten it, but I have done each jump individually. Completing the entire map could take a very long time.