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I'm playing around with a Le Potato, which is very similar to a Raspberry Pi 3b. I downloaded the RPi version of P8 and tried to run it on the Le Potato (running Raspbian 11), but nothing happens. No error, nothing. No execution at all.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just not supported on this hardware?


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Cart #onlyalula_isocraft_1-0 | 2023-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Arrow Keys - Horizontal Movement
E and D - Vertical Movement
S - Place or destroy selected block
F - Open or close Block Menu
Z - Debug Menu (Coordinates and Name of Block)
X (Hold) - Quit


This game is a very stripped down version of Minecraft, removing everything that is not essential to get to the very core: building. There are no mobs, no survival, not even a player character. Instead you are given 9 blocks, a 20x20x10 area and a few songs to listen to while you create.

Creator's Comment

While it might not be an impressive length for others, this is my first project I've finished after working on it for over a week. I've always struggled with staying on one project for even more than a few days. I came really close to achieving this with my last project, "Ashes", but burnt out at the very tail end of development. For finally achieving this feat, I'd like to thank some of my friends for showing interest in this project and helping me with ideas/bug fixes, especially "Luigi" (not his real name).

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Game update. Sound effects and music added in collaboration with Jessica C. Soler and Ethan C. Simpson.

Cart #treats_for_lily_v2-0 | 2023-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #bahfejese-0 | 2023-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I have made an another remake of Arkanoid. There is 24 levels.

Project is complete but might receive some updates

itch.io page

Have fun !

1 comment

Cart #flowerpicker-2 | 2024-04-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #sorted_inc-0 | 2023-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

In Sorted Inc. you are in charge of a fully automated robot assembly line. But is there even such a thing as "fully automated"? With every completed robot, the factory's pace quickens, and your precision is put to the test. Make a wrong move, and the factory's efficiency will plummet!

Can you keep up with the relentless pace of the factory floor and prove your worth as the ultimate sorting robot?

Sorted Inc. was created as an entry to Cre8 Jam. See the submission here


  • Three modes: Normal, Endless (without time limit) and Chill (pace of the factory is restricted),

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Cart #yokohama-0 | 2023-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Yokohama Coffee Shop ☕️

Welcome to Yokohama! The year is 2121. Mankind is dead. Robots still work in certain facilities to maintain the power supply. Between shifts, they visit coffee shops to experience what humans called a 'coffee break'. You are an android barista and your job is to serve your customers quickly.

This is my entry for the Cre8 Jam. I struggled for a few days after the theme was announced, but luckily I was reading Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou at the time, and this really beautiful solar punk manga is about a robot barista in a post-apocalyptic world serving coffee to the few humans (and robots) left in the area. It seemed like a good fit, so I decided to make a Tapper-like game with robots and coffee, and added some flickering neon signs for good measure.

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Cart #balloonking-1 | 2023-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The peasants are revolting!

Protect the king and shoots the balloons before they can capture the king and carry him away.

You have infinite player bows but only 3 chances to save the king (extra life at 10,000 points).


[X] - Fire

Thanks To

Version History

  • 0.80 - 16-Sep-2023 - Released
  • 0.81 - 16-Sep-2023 - Balloons no longer all return home when player hit
  • 0.82 - 20-Sep-2023 - Fixed crash with overlapping speech

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EDIT 09-22-2023: This morning, Lucky Draw worked briefly and then stopped working again, so I've changed this to a bug since it seems more like a glitch than an intentional change now.

A while back, Zep added a "Lucky Draw" sort to the BBS cart mode view that would pull in a not quite random assortment of cartridges based on a behind-the-scenes algorithm. You could get to it using this link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?cat=7#sub=0&page=1&mode=carts&orderby=lucky or in SPLORE by switching to Lucky Draw.

I'm not sure how popular or even well-known it was, but it's been my go-to cart discovery method since it was created. I check it a few times a week to find interesting looking carts I haven't seen or played before. As of this morning though, it seems to be either gone or broken (it just returns a blank content area - if you change "lucky" to "ts" in the link above, you get cart view sorted by new as usual). It also doesn't work in SPLORE in PICO-8 0.2.5g, with an error saying "Could Not Connect To BBS" if you try to update the list.

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Cart #floeste-3 | 2023-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


The terrain has shifted, flora has grown, music has changed a new Mountain awaits to be overcome.
Jeff Walter have been trying for ages now, and yet you will pass him on your journey.

This mod includes:

  • New Levels
  • lemons?
  • New Music
  • New Character?
  • New Madeline
  • New Tiles
  • New plants
  • New clouds
  • Better Transitions
  • Secret Ending?
  • Gemskip
  • overall improved art

more info

  • You will need advanced tech ( check out Labeste for help )
  • Some levels are very easy and are meant to be a break, same with the lemons
  • Slmost every level doesnt have a straightforward solution, but rather multiple possible ways
  • 3 endings

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Want sfx fast? sfxp can help! Adjust the sliders for new sounds, or click "random" for instant inspiration.

Cart #sfxp-1 | 2023-09-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • click/drag sliders and buttons
  • right click the random button to mutate the current sound instead of fully randomizing it
  • z/x to replay the current sound
  • left arrow to undo
  • right arrow to redo

You can export either to sfxp format (to share, or to edit more later) or to PICO-8 sfx format (to paste into the PICO-8 sfx editor and use in your PICO-8 games). Export works via the clipboard, which can be kind of weird on the web version of PICO-8. I highly recommend running sfxp on desktop PICO-8 if you have it.

You can also find sfxp on Itch.

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Simple one level scrolling platformer - none of this stuff is serious, just playing with Lua for fun and to share with a couple of friends. Chill people.

Cart #martypg13jump-1 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

cursor keys left/right, x to jump


Invaders clone - none of this stuff is serious, just playing with Lua for fun and to share with a couple of friends. Chill people.

Cart #martypg13vaders-1 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

cursor keys left/right, x to fire lasers



Cart #hardestev3-0 | 2023-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hardeste is a mod I made for Celeste Classic.

Madeline sprites are a bit different
Harder map
Strawbs are (hopefully.) all able to collect.

Post feedback in the comments and have fun!


Another quality of life improvement feature request:

Add a screensaver option to splore.

Use case:
Let's say I built a PICO-8 arcade cabinet. Splore works well in that context as a frontend cart interface. But, when the machine boots into splore, it just sits static at the menu until a user interacts with it. While the cabinet is not being used, it would be amazing if splore could wait for some amount of time for user input and then display a screensaver until input is detected, at which point it just goes back to normal splore.

If I could, say, define a list of screensaver carts in a csv file, and then use something like a -screensaver commandline argument to define the filepath, then nothing custom would even need to be created. Splore would just need to randomly select one of the carts in the defined csv file, run it for some period of time (say 5 minutes or whatever) before randomly picking another one. Rinse/repeat until user input is detected.

So, an example commandline might be:

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A quick quality of life improvement feature request:

Allow commandline arguments -run and -splore to be used together.

Use case:
Let's say I built a PICO-8 arcade cabinet. Splore works well in that context as a frontend cart interface. But, when the machine boots into splore, it just sits static at the menu. If -run could also be used, it would allow the machine to boot into an Attract Mode cart or a visual demo. From there, the user can still use the "exit to splore" menu option to navigate and play games.


Cart #surfer_1k-0 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

There's too much debris in Earth's orbit! Surf into space on your trusty star and blast that pesky debris away!

Use the arrow keys to move, and press/hold Z to fire. You have 75 seconds to score as many points as you can:

  • +1pt for each piece of debris you destroy.
  • -1pt for each piece of debris you miss.
  • -5pts if a piece of debris hits you.

Star Surfer was made in just 1001 compressed bytes for the PICO-1K Jam.



Cart #wooppicopong-0 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Have fun with an A.I and play PicoPong! PicoPong is ping pong against an A.I., have fun and leave feedback!


Cart #celeste2mod-0 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made a modded version of Celeste Classic 2 but with Madeline, where I changed some sprites, and gave you a dash in tutorial area.
play the original mod Here

Give me feedback on how well I did in the comments.
Have fun!


1K Demo Collection By @AntiBrain (Me)

This is a collection of 5 democarts that are all under 1KB in total. you can find specific sizes and downloads at the links below or play them at the bottom of this post.

I recommend downloading the executables at my itch page below, because some of them can slow down the web player.


Many of these carts, especially GradGen and Barf, contain quickly flashing lights and colors. in barfs case, to make as much noise as possible, and in GradGen's case, to create a scrolling effect. if that sounds like it could hurt you, stay away from GradGen and Barf, and show discretion playing any carts here or in any other blog posts. your health always comes first.


Demo Collection Submission Page:

Itch.io page w/ downloads:

Individual carts:


Cart #grad1k-0 | 2023-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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