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Starting out in PICO-8 game dev, I wanted to make something thrilling, as I hadn't seen many action games for the platform. I was craving a PICO-8 game with twitchy combat, high difficulty, and satisfying game-feel and visual polish.

So, over the last few months, I've been developing Icebreaker, a skill-based arena brawler. I'm really happy with how this final build turned out, and I hope to continue developing the idea into the future. Thanks for checking this project out, and your feedback and constructive criticism is highly appreciated!

Cart #rakuwiyonu-5 | 2023-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Follow on Itch.io: https://wsasaki01.itch.io/
Follow Icebreaker's development on Github: https://github.com/wsasaki01/icebreaker

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Cart #kadaratuz-0 | 2023-07-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A simple evolution simulator where you feed your creature with different kinds of food and watch it change step by step. When you feed your creature a total of eight times, it will complete one step in its evolution and level up. Complete all five levels in total to rise up the food chain and eventually reach the perfect organism!


The timer in the upper left corner of the screen is a cooldown to feed your creature again. At the top right of the screen, you can see how many of each type of food you have given to your creature at the current level.

In the lower left corner, there are three different buttons according to their colors to send different types of food. In the lower right corner is an indicator that shows you how close you are to the next level, and it advances a little with each new food. At the bottom of the screen, the middle number indicates your level.

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I have created a level editor for PICOHOT mods. Here is the link. Enjoy!


Cart #hungrypotato-3 | 2023-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hungry potato


In "Hungry Potato", you play as a lovable potato with an insatiable appetite. Your mission is to help the famished spud capture falling food while evading many pesky enemies.


  • Left Arrow: Move Left
  • Right Arrow: Move Right
  • X Key: Jump
  • Z Key: Turn on/off music


  • Several Enemies: You encounter a variety of critters which are progressively more challenging to dodge.
  • Hunger Berserk: If the hunger grows over a threshold, the potato goes into a hungry frenzy, allowing it to devour all enemies and invulnerability at the cost of a quickly decreasing score.

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I'm happy to upload my PICO-8 animations collection "Bizarroïd" in here!

Cart #bizarroid-3 | 2023-07-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It is a project that I started more than 1 year ago to get better with PICO-8. As someone who struggles with big and complex projects, I thought making a collection would allow me to see the end of a big thing since its easier to make lots of small animations than to make one big game.


  • 40 animations, mostly abstract, but a few are figurative.
  • the possibility to randomize the color palette, "to renew your staring experience"


⬅️➡️ arrows to go through animations
⬆️ arrow to display the settings screen
⬇️ arrow to hide title of current animation

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Cart #goingastray-2 | 2023-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"For souls that have lost their way, like a cat going astray."

Going Astray

Going Astray is a platformer metroidvania-esc game about a cute small cat with the goal of saving souls. It is one of the submissions for the,'A Game By Its Cover 2023' Game Jam, where one famicase cartridge was chosen from ,'My Famicase Exhibition' to be the main inspiration / theme for the creation. The chosen cart for this game is, 'Going Astray' by PhantomZ2.

How To Play

Left Arrow / Right Arrow - Move
Up Arrow - Interact W/ items in game
Down Arrow - Respawn to last checkpoint
C / Z / N - Toggle Running
X / V / M - Jump (While Running)

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Cart #statgenerator-0 | 2023-07-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Instantly generate stats for a D&D or OSR Character!

Supports the following rolling methods:

  • 3d6
  • 3d6 rerolling 1's
  • 4d6 dropping lowest value die
  • 4d4+2 (It's listed in the For Gold & Glory manual so I included it.)


1 comment

Cart #trogfontfamily1-1 | 2023-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Five free fonts!

Need a small, legible, variable width typeface?

Trog Font is a base 5x5 font which features upper and lowercase (Puny Mode) glyphs as well as all of the default Pico-8 Japanese characters with adjusted widths. From a 1-pixel wide “i” to a 7-pixel wide “M” the viariable width property allows the glyphs to exist in their most natural forms (for a 5 px high font, that is).

Need something chunkier?

Trog Bold has heavier versions of all western characters and symbols (and also contains the same default Japanese characters as Trog Font).

Need to shout?

Trog Caps uses all of the base Trog Font characters but replaces the lowercase Puny Mode characters with all caps Trog Bold characters - perfect for emphasizing important words.

New - 6-pixel high Trog Tall and Trog Tall Bold

Slightly taller versions of the primary fonts with less compressed lower case letters.

Easy to use

Just un-comment out the font of your choice and use \14 in front of your text. That’s it.

Special thanks to @zep for Pico-8 in general and for enabling variable width fonts, to @SmellyFishstiks for his most excellent variable-width font editor used to create these fonts, and to the lovely and talented people of the LazyDevs Discord for their encouragement. ^_^

Credit me if you’d like, or use the name “Trog Font” in your code comments, or tag me in your cart post - I’d love to see the fonts in use! Enjoy!

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Cart #adamspicosnake-1 | 2023-07-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Classic (PICO-8) Snake!

My version of snake I decided to make for Pico-8. Even though I'm absolutely no good at snake, I still had a great fun making it. Hope you enjoy it too!

Features 4 modes:

  • CLASSIC: Regular ol' snake
  • SPEEDY: Similar to classic, but eating also speeds you up
  • STARVE: Get to the food before you starve!
  • CRUSH: Avoid the encroaching walls

Itch.io page -> https://stadam.itch.io/pico-snake


Cart #celeste_arcade-5 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A Celeste mod that includes:

• Real time multiplayer
• Score system

500 points are removed when the player dies
500 points are awarded to the player who completes the room first
1000 points are awarded when a player collects a berry
1250 points are awarded when a player collects a flying strawberry

Newest update adds better UI, player collision option, and bug fixes

Please comment any bugs you encounter


How do I start off first

I mean where do I start coding i know what a function is but I dont know were to start


Cart #dragonwit_dev__bomb_hunt_2-0 | 2023-07-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Another minesweeper clone, but in addition to single player game it has two player co-op. You can play either predefined "levels" or customize area size and bomb count to your liking.


Cart #sumutex-3 | 2023-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello hello. This is a game I was originally going to write in C++, but a good friend that's very skilled with Pico-8 made the software seem very enticing, so I decided to give scripting with it a shot instead. The concept's based on a thing I did a few times out of boredom some car rides as a kid. Said thing is more or less the first/tutorial mode and I built on the idea some more with the other two.

There's some flyby text explaining how to play when you hover over the modes, but at its core you need to reduce a set of numbers to the single highest possible digit. Left or right lets you position your cursor, and then holding O (or X in Suredux and Sumutex) starts selection mode. Hold left or right during this to highlight a second number then release O/X to add/multiply! There's a few other mechanics sprinkled in there (multiples of 10 are really good for boosting your score, for example), so hopefully it'll be fun to come back and try your hand at improving your speed and high score (feel free to share them). Feedback is both welcome and appreciated!

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Cart #pgafusubi-0 | 2023-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

1 comment

Cart #ballsoff-0 | 2023-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Balls Off is a local multiplayer 1v1 game created for Pico-8. Take control of a ball and compete against your friends in a thrilling battle for ball supremacy. Grow your ball by devouring smaller ones and avoid getting gobbled up by your opponent's ever-expanding ball.


Each player takes control of a ball with the aim of becoming the biggest ball on the battleground. The more balls you eat, the larger you'll grow, but colliding with larger balls than you will cause your ball to shrink, making you more vulnerable to your opponent's attacks.

Control Scheme:

Player One:

  • Up Arrow: Move Up

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Cart #mazeguy2-0 | 2023-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The long awaited sequel to the surprise hit Maze Guy 1.


Cart #mazeguy1-0 | 2023-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first super basic PICO-8 game ✌️

I'm enjoying playing around with this thing, very fun.


Failed Monsters

It is a dungeon shooter, something between games like Birds with guns, Nemonic crypt and others great shooter games.

I've been working on this quite a time now, I it truly a journey.
It is my first game with no help from tutorials and I am proud of it.🏅
I will probably make a trailer showing a bit of gameplay.📺
Thanks for reading this.📖


  • Nes cartridge, because i like it.

  • Cardboard, because its different.

  • Obviously made with Pico :)

  • it will release somewhere between
    summer and autumn. 🍂

Cart #tejehumasa-0 | 2023-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Not a real game. Sorry!
It's a cover-art-menu type thing for a frozen project of mine. It was ment to be kind of poom-picohot styled game with cool soundtrack and lots of explosions. Didnt quiet done the thing, but the idea is still there and the i still want to get this project done. Maybe one day.
You can DM me if you need a cover-art for your pico-8 game.
cant promise much but ill try my best.

my discord: @sergeymalcev / Sergey Malcev#9086


Cart #kedehisufa-0 | 2023-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made for my nephew, who is four and a half. Explore 5 different areas and help the friends in need.

Based off MBoffin's top down tutorial :)

X - Check inventory
Z - Advance dialogue
Arrow keys - Move

(There is no win screen, game "ends" when you helped everyone)


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