I ended up mostly skipping Genuary because of Ludum Dare, but today I decided to write a tiny village generator.
This took me about one hour to write. Every time you run the cart, a new tiny village is generated.
There is nothing special going on. Walls are placed first, then doors and floors following a flood fill algorithm. Everything else is placed by sampling the map hundreds of times and checking for placing conditions.
The code is a bit of a mess and, looking back, I can see several easy places to reduce token count and increase variety. Maybe I'll revisit this before the end of the month. Maybe not.
I hope I'll have some time in march to participate in 7DRL. I have ideas I want to put into practice.
This is Oraphin's Fish Simulator. Control Oraphin Killster through the side of a lake and make him collect 100 fish.
Watch out though, a Goomba is trying to take you down cause it was not having a good day.
Controls: Arrow keys to move. that's all you need to know.
Press X to change music to a more weirder tune.
Warning! This game gets near impossible to beat after you collect 50 fish. You have been warned
There's no reset option so you will have to restart the cart to try again if you die.
This game was made during my time in my Computer Science class. It's not the best cause this is my first real game. at least it works!
This is a PICO-8 port of CyberBox, one of my favorite DOS puzzle games, originally created by Doug Beeferman in 1991. You can play the original game in your browser here.
Music: Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1.
Fireworks: Particle Tutorial: Fireworks.
This is a little demo I've been toying with. Its really barely a game, but it does show off a couple useful functions:
- Generated ground tiles with some decorations.
- Collision detection between the player character and the generated ground.
- Drawing triangles.
- Rope physics effects, used for the characters tail and flags.
- Some simple decorations, like clouds and background mountains.
There's really no "Game" in the sense that there's no objective or fail condition (although if you fall off the screen you're probably in a non-recoverable scenario).
To take root Among the Stars is a short narrative platformer.
Play as Mei Hashimoto, one of the colonists send to an exoplanet to prepare it for the arrival of the rest of humanity.
Explore the colony and its surrounding flora and fauna. Talk to your fellow colonists and send a message to earth via the relay station at the top of the nearby mountain.
Github repo here -> https://github.com/lesleyrs/pico-paint
This is my first completed cartridge, made for people who don't like clicking or want to try something new.
It allows you to paint, copy, and paste 8x8 pixel art into pico-8 games without requiring a mouse.
Key shortcuts:
- arrow keys to move
to paintc
to change active colourc
to turn background colour into active colourc
to change move delayenter
for the other settings
Copying and pasting is not as efficient as i'd like because of the built-in limitations of writing to and reading from clipboard. Make sure to ctrl-c
after pressing copy in menu, and ctrl-v
before you press paste in menu. try:
I think ever since @carlc27843's Impossible Mission R.T. cart came out, people have been wondering if they could make background music for a cart using PCM synthesis. carlc27843's Emulated Amstrad CPC Chiptunes post discusses using its engine that way, @luchak has had to let people know that the RP-8 groovebox can't be used that way ... folks are curious.
I don't know a lot about digital audio synthesis, but from the conversations that have happened in the PICO-8 Discord, it sounds like there's roughly three sides to the equation:
- How many tokens and bytes are cart designers willing to give up to the soundtrack? @bikibird's Speako8 Speech Synthesis Library is under a thousand tokens - is that a good target?
- What percentage of PICO-8's CPU budget? Four voices with 25% CPU seems possible in a few different ways, but is that too much to give up to background music?