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Cart #no_broomstick-2 | 2022-02-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update 220214

The arcade in the mall was screaming for a minigame but it took me a while to think of one. The minigame can be played once per game and it doesn't affect the ending. Nari (the white witch) will alternate between moving randomly and actively chasing Dona in the shortest distance. It's technically beatable but just barely.

Edit: Can't believe I forgot this, Nari was always facing down in the previous version. Now she faces the direction she moves.


Dona the Witch needs to return a library book and that's the entire goal of the game, which can be accomplished in half a minute. But the underground mall has a lot of distractions should you decide to explore, and Dona has a tendency not to think before spending, or think too hard and rationalize the impulse buys.

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Cart #sustasks-0 | 2022-02-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a collection of one-button minigames based on Among Us! This was done as part of Squiggly River's Camp Squiggly Jam, where the theme is reconnection.

Please let me know what you think – and if you have any other suggestions for minigames to add just let me know! :D


I was inspired by TRASEVOL_DOG and his Doodles to start working on my own small project doodle animation games. Check him out if you have not already!

Here is what I have come up with so far! Hopefully, as I go my skills will continue to grow in programming and pico-8.

Cart #earth_horizon-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #paint_shapes-0 | 2022-02-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #earth_horizon-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #paint_shapes-0 | 2022-02-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I've made a few attempts with Pico-8 over the years but never got beyond the most rudimentary principles.

I blew the virtual dust off it recently to show my 8 year old, and I've been delighted by how much it's engaged him. I assumed that a kid used to playing Breath of the Wild on the Switch would turn his nose up at the simpler graphics and relatively punishing difficulty, but he seems to take it on its own merits and will splore away for hours if I let him.

In an attempt to spin that screen time into something educational, we're taking our first steps into making our own projects, and I need to stay ahead of the curve so I can at least try to implement the kinds of things he's likely to want to do.

So I've been watching a bunch of youtube videos and have got over some of the big initial humps. This approach to sprite animation was the first one that really landed with me in terms of

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Cart #pipuhopuza-0 | 2022-02-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's my best shot at an Undertale type battle system! Adding attacks are fairly easy and there are 3 built-in in this version. There's also only fighting so it's not truly undertale but close enough for me. I'll keep updating it probably and imma use it in my pico-8 undertale remake

Update# 1:
When entering battle you have invisibility at the start so you don't take a hit right away

Update# 1:
shortened loading time between battle and menu along with a new attack and there are no more safe spots in the "snake attack"

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Hey peoples I've recently started using pico-8 again after a while of not using it, and I've been trying to make rooms (individual screens part of a full level) but I've been having trouble trying to make the camera actually move over to the next screen. (preferably with a transition, cause I've also tried doing that) I know this is kinda a dumb question but it would help me a lot if someone knows how to help.


Cart #ppwr-5 | 2022-04-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

▶️ Download at itch.io ◀️


Pico World Race is a fast paced racing game for PICO-8. Get in your supercar and take a trip around the world, testing your driving skills on challenging circuits against a host of opponents.


  • 60fps gameplay
  • 8 uniquely themed races
  • 8 opponents to race against
  • 20 tokens to collect each race
  • Persistent user data to save your progress


Left/Right - Steer
Z - Accelerate
X - Brake/Drift

Version History

1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Custom Race Update

  • Added custom races. Thousands of randomly generated tracks to race!
  • Various graphical improvements including better sprites and longer draw distance
  • Improved race summary screen
  • Added cart art

1.2 - Burnout Update

  • Improved player car animation
  • Added opponent car variations
  • Better opponent AI
  • It has started snowing in Nepal

Many thanks to TheRoboZ for his contributions.


Hey, @zep.

Thought I would make a few more suggestions if I may.

  1. When you edit a line, it is entirely possible to have spaces on the end of that line as you can see here:

Instead in loading or editing a line, truncate all the trailing spaces on the end of it. Obviously if it is a bunch of trailing spaces followed by a quote or something, you don't truncate but =DO= truncate if all it - is just spaces.

  1. Even with KEYCONFIG() you cannot make use of the number keypad in editing your code, nor any keys of the number keypad such as U D L R Home PgUp End PgDn. Suggest future Pico-8 recognize these keystrokes.

  2. There is no way to change the repeat speed for keys for the Pico-8 editor itself. Suggest there be an option to do so, just like you can do with user game input via poke(0x5f5c,nn) and poke(0x5f5d,nn) Maybe in Keyconfig() or something.

  3. Editing sprites. If you plot a colored pixel on a sprite that already has this color on it, instead plot the last color read by the mouse that is also not the color you are attempting to plot.

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Cart #pimon-1 | 2022-02-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Pimon is inspired by the traditional simon game. I implemented a pico-8 version of this classical game to train my brain.


Pimon plays at first two tones. After that you have to repeat this tones in the correct order. If your are correct pimon will repeat the tones and add one more. Now you have to repeat it again and again ...
If you repeat 4 times the correct tones you get a live up. This allows you once to type in an incorrect answer. After that pimon will repeat the latest tones.


Start the game with hitting the x-button. As long as pimon plays you can not hit the tone-buttons. On your turn you use the arrow buttons to play the tones.

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Cart #birdbarner-2 | 2022-02-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

created a game in 72 hours for mini jam 99!


Cart #bird_diver-0 | 2022-02-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A little game about diving around as a bird.
Despite being quite broken, hard, and in general, not fun, I hope you enjoy.

I think this game would've been a lot more fun if I understood compression and curved collision better. This game could have really benefited from an open world map so that it could go in more directions instead of from left to right. Curved collision would have just made it a lot easier to not get stuck on corners. I might try making this again in a game engine or graphics library.


Cart #atom_minestorm_2022-8 | 2024-01-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

MineStorm Pico

Tread lightly! The transport lanes of intergalactic space have been seeded with mines from an alien vessel.
Use your mine destroying blaster to blow up the mines before they annihilate you! You may survive the floating mines, but beware of the fireball, magnetic, and treacherous fireball-magnetic mines!

. . . many fields, each one more difficult, await you!

Enemy minelayer in action

Clearing a mine field

Duel with the minelayer


Game Options
⬆️⬇️ Navigate through the options.
🅾️ Change an option. [z]
❎ Enter the first mine field.

Ship Controls
⬅️➡️ Rotates your mine destroying ship.

Control settings #1:
🅾️ Escape: Mysteriously moves your ship to a new location. [z]
❎ Fire: Launches rockets at the mines.
⬆️ Thrust: Moves your ship forward.

Control settings #2:
⬇️ Escape [z]
❎ Fire
🅾️ Thrust

Control settings #3:
⬆️ Escape [z]
❎ Fire
🅾️ Thrust

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Cart #bhggrd-0 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A minimalist grid-based puzzle game where you score is the number of times you had to restart on your way through the ten progressively more difficult puzzles.

I used the simple puzzle "engine" from my other, kid-friendly, puzzle game "TED" to create a more interesting version for adults. It's still relatively simple in scope, and is fairly short. The last few puzzles should at least get you scratching your head a few times though!


Cart #bhgted-1 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A really simple puzzle game I made for my kids, they're both under 5 and are just getting into games so I decided to make a game starring their stuffed toys.

You play as a Green Teddy trying to find his pal the Red Teddy - navigate the house collecting candy, unlocking baby gates, and more!

The game really only had two design goals:

  • Be playable by the least dextrous human beings I've ever met (there should be no need for any sort of timing or precision to play because they have neither!)

  • Not allow for any unwinnable situations - all the puzzles can be solved either by thinking through or just trial and error as you work through it, but there's never any "mistakes".

From that perspective it was a huge success. My target audience loved the game and play it all the time.

For most people it's not really a "game", but if you have kids and want something super simple for them to have a try at then here you go :-)


So I've created this code to make walking animations:

if plr.walking then
  if time()-plr.anim>.1 then
   if plr.sp>5 then

also added this for idle sprite:

if not plr.walking then

However I can't figure out a way to change the sprite to the upward/downward movement sprites (spr 6-9, sprite 10-13) without having the code overwirte the plr.sp eachframe

if plr.upmove then
 #Do anim function

as far as I've gotten is making the sprite change to the correct movement sprite and then have it iterate back to the idle animation or animate to the very next frame and revert back to the first forward sprite


Cart #jetpigadventure-0 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


A game about a Pig and his Rocket. Refuel your spaceship, avoid enemies and collect the four space stars in each quadrant of the pig universe. This is a sequel to the original Jet Pig game.


  • Galaxy map
  • Over 50 planets
  • Generated planet and mission names


  • Move: Cursor keys
  • X: Accept/Use Jet Pack


  • Code & Music: Mani
  • Gfx: Mani,Romeo
  • Playtesting: Stella, Romeo

Cart #hofhobki-0 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

First of all, I'm a pico 8 noob so don't judge. If anyone wants to help out I'd love it and I thought I'd just share what I have so far. In case the title wasn't obvious I'm trying to recreate the ruins of undertake.
I added more to the ruins, signs that you can interact with by pressing x to open and z to close, and added flowies theme to his little fight.

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Cart #dapehahafu-0 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is my first attempt at using pico-8, just made this as a test and uploaded to see how this system works.
random name generator was accidentally used cos it said my cart was invalid and stuff


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