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Cart #threshold-0 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little space-farming game I'm working on. Nowhere near done, but I put a fair amount of time into making movement feel good, but haven't really filled in the game mechanics yet.


  • Z to charge a boost,
  • X to grapple onto planets.


  • Random planet and astroid layouts
  • Gravity affects your ship proportional to their mass
  • You can collect "resources" from planets, but they don't do anything yet.

Enjoy flying around :)

Probably won't get around to finishing this any time soon, so feel free to hack on it if you like.


Cart #fimuguzeso-0 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I worked solo on this, it's still a bit buggy (the coloured bats don't phase out) and for the ending I just dropped the player into a pit. But I'm still pretty proud. Hope you have fun with the 30 seconds of content there is :'). Please be kind!


Cart #yikomahebu-0 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Lost City of Phound

Our Global Game Jam 2021 entry. We finished something playable and challenging and I think that's largely due to PICO-8 being an amazing tool.

I think there could be more balancing, once you work out a strat to get to level 5 you should be able to win on most runs unless you have a terrible start.


Reach level 5 and find the crystal skull before you lose all your workers to traps. Make sure you find enough treasure along the way to buy the necessary equipment to find and get the skull.


Movement: up, down, left, right

z: use/buy currently selected item.

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Cart #bull_sheep-0 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Try to stay alive as long as possible, and avoid those Bull Sheeps!

Use the arrow keys to control your shepherd.
Use X to scare the sheeps with trimmer noises!
Use Z to see collision boxes.



About Me:
Hi I'm Abhijit,

I made this awhile back, posting it after a long time, as it got some love in my blog post!

Bull Sheep: Casual 8 Bit Game using Fantasy Console PICO-8

Thank you for playing!


Cart #damiandflo-0 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Game is also available on Itch.io: nusan.itch.io/dami-and-flo

Dami and Flo are two workers on a delivery train. At each station, they have to take input packages at the bottom and store them somewhere in the wagon so they can be easily delivered at a future train stop.

There is a one player mode or a two player local splitscreen mode. You can choose your difficulty with "Timer" option and "Items" quantity option. You can also choose to have more than one wagon, but it can be very difficult especially if you are not playing with a friend.

Between stations, take your time to sort and store all the packages in the wagon. Clear the input area as fast as possible so new packages can be inserted at the next stop. Delivery requests for the next station are displayed at the top of the screen.

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Cart #sotuhibofi-2 | 2021-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Years ago, your parent disappeared, but while chilling in a space station, a mysterious spirit tells you that he knows where your parent is, you just have to find him and his mysterious planet. Go from planet to planet using your teleporter, ask NPCs about the location of the planet, but be careful, the more you travel, the more you have to change the battery.

Il y'a des années, un de vos parent à disparu. Mais alors que vous vous reposiez dans une station spaciale, une étrange entité vous contacte, elle dit savoir où se trouve votre parent, vous devez juste la rejoindre sur sa mystérieuse planète. Voyagez d'astre en astre avec votre téléporteur, demandez des renseignements aux PNJs, et trouvez la planète. Mais faites attention : plus vous voyager, plus la batterie a besoin d'être remplacée.

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Cart #fivebyefive-4 | 2021-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A game for the one hour game jam #301. I made everything including the music in about 70 minutes.


I discovered Pico-8 sometime last year and have been going back to it on and off over the last handful of months to learn more about it, and as of now this is what I've got. It started out with the aim of making more of puzzle platformer, but I guess it shaped up more as a platformer than a puzzle game. Still a bit of puzzle I guess.

It's still very sloppily and inelegantly coded. I'm almost at the token limit because of the haphazard coding so the next thing I need to do is refactor the code to make it cleaner and more economical.

There's definitely still some bugs and kinks that need to be ironed out, but the game should be playable for the most part. Should you give it a try, I would love to hear any kind of feedback, but especially the constructive kind.

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Hey all!

I'm working on a platformer right now and I've been kicking around the idea of custom masks. Essentially, I want to draw a map, and a map on top of that; a circle would then reveal (punch a hole through) the map that was drawn first through the foreground map.

This effect can be done through a simple clip() call between drawing both maps, but that only gives me a rectangle (and only one at that). I'd like that effect, but with a circular shape (or an arbitrary shape ideally).

A solution I've been messing with is saving the background map to memory (at the sprite data or general purpose address), then drawing the foreground map normally with map(). The game would then get the pixels within the shape, get the corresponding data from memory that would match the pixel location, and draw the correct pixels on top of the map, which would look like a "hole" punched through the map.

Thing is: I'm shit at memory stuff.

So, while I read through how memory works and how I can read would-be pixels from a memory address and draw them individually while keeping 60 fps sigh I would much appreciate any help with this. If you think my idea won't work, please let me know; if you have a better idea, PLEASE let me know; if you've done this before, I would be eternally grateful for the help.

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1 comment

Cart #cab_ride-7 | 2022-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(16/07/22 - Corrected license in description to match that attached to cart :facepalm)
(30/01/22 - Happy Birthday Cab Ride! 1 today!)

Drive a train, forever, through a dreamlike land.

Transport passengers to their destination.

Watch the world go by.

Listen to chilled out chiptune music.

In Cab Ride you can drive thousands of different train routes through rolling hills, winding tunnels and weaving between the tall buildings of vast cities. You can drive the train for as long as you like. When you're ready to end your journey, hold down the left arrow key to announce the last station. Stopping at stations along the way means you can pick up and drop off passengers. Try and stop at the marker at each station for a high rating. Or don't! It's up to you.

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Cart #edge2-2 | 2021-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

New things:

  • A level editor that doesn't really work well
  • Climbing
  • More bugs
  • My brain hurts

Yeah, i don't really thing i will go on with this project. Well, it depends.

Depends in if my coding skills are enough to continue this thing.

i dont think so


Cart #class_inherit_example-1 | 2021-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Classing Example

While I like lua, it drives me crazy that it does not contain a simple class constructor like python, or newer version of javascript. I find the metatable concept to be very awkward and difficult to adjust to, coming from other scripting languages.

Here, I am demonstrating how I typically handle my actor objects when making games using an object-oriented approach. I like all of my game entities (like the player and NPC characters) to be their own objects with methods that are common to them (update and draw being the main needed items).

The snippet here is my starting templet for most of my games. The "Actor" table is my default object. The method "New" can be used for two things:

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Cart #enoshima_picnic-1 | 2021-03-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


X to start, directional keys to move.


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Cart #hunch001-0 | 2021-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my game release using PICO-8, it's a demake loosely based off the C64 version of Hunchback.
It has most of the key features except the knight that climbs up the wall.
There are 16 levels in this version.

Things to improve:
1 - The level difficulties are a little uneven as you progress. They need balancing.
2 - Colliding with a projectile is simplistic. That is, not effects present.
3 - The game is light on frills.

Let me know what you think in terms of game play.
I would love to tackle other older classic games of a similar nature.


... stop looking at me


Something is wrong.


Cart #maximumball-0 | 2021-01-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to Play

Punch the ball at the targets. Hit as many targets as you can within the time limit! The quicker you hit a target, the more points you get.

My high score is 2008. Can you beat it?


⬅️&➡️: Move
Z/🅾️: Jump
X/❎: Punch


  • The targets spawn in a specific order. Use this to predict where the next one spawns.
  • Move or jump in the direction you're punching to make the ball go faster.
  • Hold X/❎ after game over to get back into the action quickly!

Cart #fervour-1 | 2023-03-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Slice, swing, shoot and dash your way to victory

Monsters have stolen souls from your land and it is up to you to get them back.
As a dodgy armless creature that uses weapons as substitute to arms, it should not be that difficult, right?


Keyboard: Arrow keys, Z and X
Controller: D-pad / Joystick, A and B

Balance update

I went back and played this game and realized I could improve it a bit.
It's still not perfect, but I think the changes I made improves the experience a lot!

  • Increased move speed
  • Increased attack speed
  • Reset health between levels
  • Increase stamina recovery when standing still
  • Decrease range and speed on dig enemy
  • Saves between levels
  • Remove weird floor tiles
  • Add splats when enemies are destroyed
  • Better feedback when you hit the boss


Sebastian Lind

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