Title: tiny chase
Version: Final+
Type: other
Difficulty: 2.5/5
its a simple game, about a tiny car looking for coins while is chased by tiny cops.
there are 2 maps:
suburbs: easier and simpler
circuit: harder but with more stuff to play with
road not taken: this dark road is similar to the circuit, but harder, be careful with the yellow squares!
tiny circuit: the simplest and most tiny map
water temple: a water map of course!
thanks for playing and enjoy!
also, a tiny preview:
update! tweaked the controls for better movement, added maps and tweaked sounds
if you don't like the two normal controls you may try using the "jkli" keys + shoot to a different style, it allows for an easier control by directly looking at where you need to go.
now you can also play forever, increasing the number of cars by 1 per minute.
- Added opening cut scene.
- Added "Levels Missing" screen.
- Changed main character head/hat art for story reasons.
- As far as I can tell, Voxatron 2.13 changed the way bullets interact with voxels, which could break the player progression. I will see if I can figure this out for the next update.
- The man in the opening cut scene is the main character, but in a different outfit.
- I haven't built any new gameplay content for this version.
The opening cut scene won't make any sense yet because the Chapter 1 levels have not been built yet. Chapter 1 is temporarily replaced by a "Levels Missing" screen. The levels I released in the past are actually from Chapter 2 of the storyline.
- I am planning on working on Chapter 1 levels for the next update.
Hey All
Just a quick demo of fancy doors and room goals.
Note that you need to collect the gold key to allow the gold door to open.
You can take preview images like the one shown here in-game using F7
I made 3 weapons, each one with its diferent gameplay, but since I still don't have any use for them, I thought it was interesting to disponibilize them here, please use it in any project you'd like, I would love to see it in action:
the spear
the spear is excatly that, a spear which you trow at the monsters, however, when you use it you have to pick it up again to use it once more, it would be great for puzzle games like pressing the button on the map. I couldn't, however, manage to make the trowing distance controlable.
the odd sword
this is a completely different gameplay from the normal sword, this is how it works:
your sword attacks when you collide the character front, for a better gameplay, the mob must also have the modifier used on the map for a nice knockback, is doesn't, however, protects the sides or back but it makes you invincible to bullets when you press shoot.
Title: Crowd control
Version: final
Type: puzzle
Difficulty: progressive
this is a puzzle game without the player item (except for the ending,because I can't finish a level with the scrip or with the imediate door) where you control a certain amount of little monsters with a limited number of actions, the idea is to get to the key, pretty simple.
dpending on the feedback I may or may not make more levels for it, but it is finished, so I would like to know what do you think about it.