Greetings, this has been renamed from 'Stone Greaves Lair', which was only supposed to be one room of many. But, all rooms are uploaded, thus the wrong name. I am a 3D modeler/TD, using Maya and zBrush, and Voxatron is absorbing my life.
This adventure consists of multiple regions, all of which you are able to return to at any time. There are two 256x256 dungeons, I've made the entrances a little more overt, but you'll still have to find them(does not require killing enemies to find/open). They are beatable, though challenging, I've had people playtest them while I watch. I have used three stock items: the red flower, tree, and small mushroom. Everything else was hand made. There is a lot of detail and effort put in.
Because of the eventual length of the adventure I am posting it in the Finished section. This is a WIP, but I'm only uploading in large chunks, requiring at least one dungeon and supporting regions per update. There is a high level of polish, everything works correctly, and I'm told I should post it.
He's giving the game away, which really isn't fair on those of us who paid for it. Just thought I'd let you know.
You can bounce projectiles with sword. Perhaps not so obscure, but I haven't seen a room based on this ! Using the _dojo feature you could make a room where ranged weapons are not available, and all enemies are on the other side of a pool of lava. The passage appears once all enemies die.
Triple shot fires only two projectiles. Sad, but true ;-). It alternates between "left and middle" and "right and middle", a bit like Mancubus in DooM II. I also tested it on a minotaur. Without Triple, it took 25 shots. With Triple, it took 12. So there you have it, it's just as fake as Quad Damage in Quake 3 (which only triples damage).
hi there! i am literally in love with voxatron and i cant wait to start making my own monsters and see what people come up with. i read somewhere that in the future we will be able to alter basically everything with scripting and stuff. how much can we edit? will we be able to make for example an fps mod? will we be able to do our own weapons? or NPCS to give us quests or stuff like that? i would love to see a diablo clone or zelda clone with voxatron! oh and will there be a way for us to make enemy voxels stay after they die? thanks
im pretty new to level making, and i was wondering if there's any way to make a custom enemy with the editor. my idea was to have an enemy like the little blue things except when it dies it's body dissolves and gets added to the world. if there's anything like this please post a link.
thanks up front.
A simple VOB containing an alphabet and some punctuations. Not entirely a monospace font, but fairly compact.
Update: So, I'm updating this now, but it's far from finished. A lot of things will probably change.
There is now some new rooms and a new character model.
In the 3rd room where the black part is, don't be surprised when you walk on it, in Golden Axe you can fall down at that part. I just put some monster there for now as placeholders, will see if any Voxatron update adds traps, then I will probably put that there instead.
Feel free to give me feedback!
Trying to make Golden Axe in Voxatron. Uploading it now so I can get some feedback.
Font Bank v1.0
Currently has only one set of small characters in both vertical and horizontal orientations. I may add more fonts/sizes later.
To load:
- In the editor, select "Objects" tab, then choose the bank number you want to load into.
- Ctrl-L to load, select the fonts.vob.png file you've downloaded.
To use:
1 - Create/edit your own object that you want to place text in.
2 - Select the stamp tool.
3 - Double click the font object to open it.
4 - Hold "S" and circle the letter you want to use.
5 - Ctrl-C to copy.
6 - Double click your object.
7 - Place letter as required.
8 - Repeat steps 3-7 to build up your words.
Feel free to use this in your projects however you desire, including in an improved font bank.
Feedback/suggestions/corrections welcome.
I just wanted to create this thread to say what a wonderful job Zep has done with this game and the amazing things he has done for the constantly joining community. In particular the new additions to the forums are fantastic, and the direction in which the game is headed, it looks like its going to be phenomenal.
I'd mainly like to see what you guys like most about the game, or even something that you enjoy that Zep has added. I appreciate your replies :)