I just wanted to create this thread to say what a wonderful job Zep has done with this game and the amazing things he has done for the constantly joining community. In particular the new additions to the forums are fantastic, and the direction in which the game is headed, it looks like its going to be phenomenal.
I'd mainly like to see what you guys like most about the game, or even something that you enjoy that Zep has added. I appreciate your replies :)

I'd say one of my favorite things about the game is how easy it is to create and share user-created content. People have griped about how short adventure mode is, but does that really matter when there's already a score of pages of downloadable levels, some of which are truly fantastic, available to everyone who owns the game? It's great!

Definitely dude, I totally agree. I am ecstatic about a game that is centered around user made content, what a genius idea.

I'm not sure it's going to be as phenomenal as Minecraft (I hope so), but it sure is a better game already. And the action makes 3D Dot Game Heroes look lame.Lexaloffle clearly struck gold. I can't wait to see what they do with it.
joska: it's not just user-generated content, you know. Lots of games tried to do that, even quite recently (Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Elemental: War of Magic). There needs to be a solid game underneath. ET:QW had serious technical issues making it unplayable on strong machines for some people (including me), and connection drops. Elemental was just a very poor game. Brad Wardell, the CEO of Stardock and (I think) the main designer of the game... is a good game designer in the same way that 70% of drivers consider themselves better than average.
Voxatron is quite hard (challenging!), that's refreshing. I rarely play platformers, I played more in the days of 8 bit computers. Yet Voxatron really feels like it's a 3D game, no Blizzard-style "2D game with 3D graphics". 3D in this game feels so natural and it enhances fun. Then, Voxatron has an unique feature that's not just a gimmick (voxels). And they are not afraid to use it ! 100% voxels. The variety of powerups and monsters is not too bad. Many other developers (especially indie ones) would call it finished and try to sell for $20. But Lexaloffle know the game can be expanded.
Voxatron is already a very solid game, that's why players will want to make stuff for it.
Voxatron may end up being a success on Minecraft scale. If that happens, I foresee lots of (indie) Voxatron clones, not necessarily from mainstream studios. After all, they haven't started cloning Minecraft (strange!!). I think I know why. Executives in major game publishing companies have the same attitude as drug dealers. They sell it, but they don't do it. In the case of games they have barely any clue what gamers really enjoy.

I certainly didn't mean "content" just a poor choice of words on my behalf. By content i was meaning the levels that the users create. Although I definitely see where you are coming from and there is a whole multitude of reasons why voxatron is going to be such a success and already is. I just didn't list them as there is probably not enough characters in a post. It's not only the best aspects of the game: an incredible graphics engine, the gorgeous shadows and the unlimited possibilities of creativity. On the counter-part, I have been in the minecraft scene and I have played it, and I believe voxatron has more potential and will have a much tighter-knit community.

Voxatron itself is just tighter. Minecraft started as a sandbox plaything (right?) and now they're trying to shape it more into an MMORPG. I lost my interest in the genre, most are repetitive grindfests in one way or another. I like games which are enjoyable in themselves, not when I spend X days to get weapon Y or skill Z. There's work for that.
It's like Minecraft/Dwarf Fortress and Voxatron are starting from opposite directions. Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress started as "I want to do something grand and cool". And they do, and try to shape it into a game of some sort (the dev of DF doesn't seem very interested in making DF an actual game, though). Voxatron starts as a pure game, and expands.
I agree about Voxatron graphics. There's something about it that makes it pleasant. Not just shadows, something about lighting, draw distance etc. Even a mostly empty room with a bunch of cubes looks nice. And it's just alpha, I bet they have some things they want to try (as well as performance optimizations).

Very much so, you make a valid point there. "Tighter" is a good way of describing it as its definitely an aspect that is important as lexaloffle have a much clearer vision of their game. I like it even more so as I feel as though I have a great idea of where the game is going. It's not as if the game is being constantly changed as though it's a different genre. I feel even more content as I know voxatron will be what it is now but just vastly improved in the future.

I don't think we even need to get into this kind of discussion. Those other games are great, but Voxatron is its own game and should be treated as such.
(I love it, by the way).

You're right in that the other games don't need to be bad for Voxatron to be good. No need to exercise our tribal instincts.
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