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Hi there,
I make stuff!

Check out my twitter (@johanpeitz) to see the latest!

Don't be afraid to say hi,
<3 Johan


indie game dev makin' nonsense


I'm a game developer and tweetjammer

@2darray on twitter


Hi! I make colorful stuff and video games for a living!
I love Pico-8!!

Find more of my stuff on these cool other platforms:
!! Twitter !!
!! Itch.io !!
!! WordPress !! (DevLog)
!! Twitch !!
!! Patreon !!


.NET Dev by day | IndieDev by night (#Pico8) | Made: UnDUNE IILow Mem SkySCUMM-8 | Avatar by KenneyNL | He/Him


Making fantasy consoles (Voxatron, PICO-8 and Picotron) and trying to make my way back to userland.