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Cart #controls_ref-0 | 2025-01-30 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made a controls reference widget you can put in your tool tray! Inspired by @fletch_pico's pomodoro.p64 and color reference widgets.

The installation steps below is just copied from pomodoro.p64:


In a terminal:

  1. load #controls_ref
  2. save controls_ref.p64 (save anywhere you like, I personally have mine at /appdata/local/tooltray/pomodoro.p64)

Then, open up /appdata/system/startup.lua (or create the file if you haven't yet).
Add the following line:

create_process("/path/to/your/controls_ref.p64", {window_attribs = {workspace = "tooltray", x=2, y=2, width=94, height=99}})

You can edit the x= and y= coordinates to be whatever you like, but be sure that width and height is 94x99.

Restart Picotron and enjoy your new widget!


So glad it inspired you! Might wanna edit step 2 to reference your file rather than pomodoro.p64 ;) great work!!

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