I made a controls reference widget you can put in your tool tray! Inspired by @fletch_pico's pomodoro.p64 and color reference widgets.
The installation steps below is just copied from pomodoro.p64:
In a terminal:
load #controls_ref
- save controls_ref.p64 (save anywhere you like, I personally have mine at /appdata/local/tooltray/controls_ref.p64)
Then, open up /appdata/system/startup.lua (or create the file if you haven't yet).
Add the following line:
create_process("/path/to/your/controls_ref.p64", {window_attribs = {workspace = "tooltray", x=2, y=2, width=94, height=99}}) |
You can edit the x= and y= coordinates to be whatever you like, but be sure that width and height is 94x99.
Restart Picotron and enjoy your new widget!
Edit (1/31/25): Fixed step 2 in installation
So glad it inspired you! Might wanna edit step 2 to reference your file rather than pomodoro.p64 ;) great work!!
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