I've been playing Pico-8 on handhelds (no keyboard) a lot lately and I think there is a "gap" in that experience.
Once you have exhausted the "new" and "featured" sections, there isn't a good way to find new games to play.
I would love to have a "play random game" option in Splore! Given the FREE, quick, "pick up and play" nature of Pico-8 games, I think it would work quite well. Perhaps even "show me 20 random games", where I could quickly scroll through and see if any cover art catches my eye.

Dude I have thought of this exact idea myself. It would be cool to do that within the different categories of favorites, featured, new, jam, disk, etc.

I would in favour of this. Maybe with a filter option, like the number of stars, too?

Interesting idea. I wondered if there was a way to simulate this within the PICO-8 ecosystem... so I browsed the External Commands reference and threw together a quick prototype of a cart that does this (using LOAD() and a hard-coded list of the BBS Featured Carts as of June 2021), here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=43553

Categories or genres would be super-handy, but someone would have to go through and sort the entire back-catalog.

Here's something to play a random cart, from its parent post's id.
use "leave" from the pause menu to get another one
::_:: cart='#' for i=1,5 do cart=cart..flr(rnd(10)) end cls() print(cart,64-#cart*2,4) flip() load(cart,"leave "..cart) goto _ |
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