This is a Pico-8 doodle I made a while ago using only circles. I wanted it to be the first cart I published on the BBS because I love it so much. It might be one of my favorite things I've ever made.
I tried as closely as possible to follow the traditional tutorial of how to draw Kirby:
First you draw a circle,
Then you dot the eyes,
Add a great big smile
And presto, it's Kirby!
I have plans to add some animation to Kirby himself later on, but for now I just wanted to share him with everybody!
I forgot, but I actually was inspired to do this because of a tweet from @thekirbybot on twitter!
Very nice! My initial reaction is that it'd be cool if it could be compressed down to a tweetcart :D
I actually did compress this into a tweetcart! Well, Kirby himself at least. I don't think I ever tweeted it though, but I'm not sure why.
x,y=63,64 c=circfill--#pico8 ::_::cls(1)poke(0x5f2c,5)c(x,y,30,14) for n=15,25,5 do c(x-n,y-n/2+37,10,8)end c(x-27,y-10,12,14) for n=-15,0,2 do c(x-10,y+n,3,0)end c(x-10,y-15,2,7) for n=15,20,2 do c(x-n,y+5,2,8)end for n=-4,4 do c(x+n/2,y+11,2,8)c(x+n*.5,y+13,1,8)end flip()goto _ |
With 1 character to spare.
EDIT: Actually, with no characters! Changed background to the same blue as original.
Alrighty then! Done! Though I'm wondering if I could have compressed it even further.
Hello! I'm a big Kirby expert, and I also love Kirby Tilt'n'Tumble. Really good game. Play it!
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