Here is the launcher for TOY BOX JAM!
All the games are here! Choose your cart with arrows then press X to launch it.
You can get back to the Launcher by pressing RETURN (Pause Menu) and choosing "Back to Launcher".
SHOUT OUT TO ZEP! His last minute heroics fixed some small issues and lets the launcher work perfectly! Thanks, Zep!
Have fun with the games/tech demos/stories/experiences!
Also, good things come to those who wait..... ;^)

I've already tried out some of the games for this JAM and am quite impressed !
You've got a nice thing going on here, @thattomhall. Here's hoping you have lots of participation.
Now that I've had a chance to see this, folks, you get 256 ready-made sprites, 40+ ready-made sound effects, and a bunch of ready-made music.
Really quite nice and quite the package to begin any cart in Pico-8.
@thattomhall, here's hoping you keep this package in the future, not just expire the contest today and allow anyone to build whatever they want in it as it's so convenient and ready to go. I doubt the Pico-8 community will see anything like this for years to come.
Gold star for you and your team !

I've just posted my one! 🥳🎉
- Cart Full Name:
Alfredo's Stupendous Surprise (Bandersnatch Edition) - Alias on *Liquidream
- Cart Name #alfredo

I've got mine too here:
- Full name: Cecio of the valley
- Alias on damngoodcocoa
- Cart name: #cecioofthevalley-0

My entry is in.
- Full name: Lava Joe
- Alias on Paranoid Cactus
- Cart name: #lavajoe

Mine is in as well ^^
• Full name: Alien Rescue Mission
• Alias on Blodyavenger
• Cart Name: #alienrescuemission-5

My submission:
- Cart Full Name: Toy Box Pipe
- Alias on it was submitted under: ximo
- Cart Name on Lexaloffle: #tuberias_ximo-4
- Followed optional theme: FLOW
Looks like the launcher will include the link in our games so I didn't add the menu entry.
edit: I updated my submission to fix a small bug.

Woo hoo! I will update it now and we'll see if I do it again before six....

Waiting for the last cart to finally update -- thanks for jamming folks!

sorry it's late, but I finally got it posted to the BBS now!
- Cart Full Name: Skills of Detection
- BBS Cart ID: skills_of_detection

shoot, I posted a new thread rather than in here:
Cart Full Name: Toy Box Dungeon
Alias on it was submitted under: dollarone
Cart Name on Lexaloffle: dollarone_toyboxdungeon

Didn't know we were supposed to post here too, sorry for the late comment.
Cart Full Name: Ninjoe's Trials
Alias on it was submitted under: svntax
Cart Name on Lexaloffle: #ninjoes_trials-2

Will all the carts be downloaded if I download the launcher? I would like to save them for when I don't have internet connection and have something to do

These are the cart names -- you can search for each in "Carts":

And no, the launcher won't download them automagically, they are loaded only at runtime....
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