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Cart #trapt-18 | 2019-07-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Trapt (A Dungeon Puzzle Game)
My first game, Enjoy.
Version 1.2
--Includes a remaining health bonus and an optimal steps bonus upon escape
---This will allow you to get up to 3000 extra points added to your score if you complete all 16 levels without one extra step
--Just a reset button, this comes with a price of one life... use wisely
--Official Pico8 button Glyphs instead of "B"
Version 1.3
--Better mechanics for vase collision
--Improved health and score system
--If you have a score 100 and above a restart will result in a loss of 100 points, if you have no points it will result in a loss of 1 life.
Version 1.4
--New start menu, now shows "Items" and "Controls"
--Backpack inventory added, allowing you to collect and strategically utilize items throughout the game
--Lottery system at the end of each level, this allows you to acquire an item if you have available backpack space
--No more "curse", it is a "virus" now
--When infected the whole game will change color

--Items and uses
---1.) Food - Used to gain 1 health
---2.) Vaccine - Used to cure virus
---3.) Med Kit - This is a full heal, it will restore your health to the fullest 16/16, as well as cure a virus (if infected)
---Z is your submit button, and it also opens your backpack in game.
---X is a cancel button, and it also will restart your level in game.
---Enter pauses the game and brings up the Pico 8 Menu.
---Arrows will allow you to move your character up, down, left, and right.
Version 1.5
--Rotten food added
--Better vase mechanics and placement
--More accurate lottery pick at the end of level
--Food poisoning added to the game
Version 1.6
--Lighting added thanks to @Remagamer
--Better looking start screen


@Skulhhead1924 It should be taken care of now also added some hit points and the ability to see what happens when you break a vase! Let me know what you think?

Very nice.

One suggestion: use the official button glyphs instead of "A" and "B" on the undo and restart buttons.

@dredds got it taken care of, glad you enjoyed it... I added a better scoring mechanic for the end of the game as well! Let me know if you escape!

oooh, just stumbled upon this! I barely managed to clear it on my first try-- I was down to 1 HP! anyway, nice game, very solid execution of a tried-and-true concept!

I am curious though, is there a reason you stored the map data in the sprite sheet instead of using the map itself?

@sol The maps in the sprite editor makes it easier to change levels, when I was coding it I decided that would work the best. That way I can continue releasing more content for the game series!

I'm glad you enjoy the game, just made an inventory system and testing it now should release an update shortly!

Very nice UI choices!

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