Heyo. This is R(e)Xventure. It's more shooting-oriented, less puzzle-y bits then Nightmare. You play as a sentient creature who's just awakened to the world around them; desolate, decrypt, and filled with monsters, thus setting you off to purify the world. You have two main shot types, which you can switch at certain " weapon " rooms: Flame and Spread. In addition, any other weapons (aside from a certain odd weapon) you pick up are sub weapons, in that you can use them alongside your main shot type.
Q = Subweapon
E = Phantom Dash
JKIL = Shooting Analog
Space = Jump
note: flame weapon nor bullet sword are not mine.
My little brother Thomas made this. It has a capitalist as it's protagonist, who you can either help to collect money, or just run him headlong into enemies until he is crushed by the proletariat, if you're communist. either way, it's up to you I guess. My lil bro, he's ten (he's like "almost eleven!!") and uh, so ... a ten year old made it. yeah.
1: Journey Of Ceazar
In This "BBS Cart" There Is A Boy (You Can Add Hair Color, Etc) & One Day he Figures Out He Has Powers, And This Crazy Killer Aliens Are Hunting Him Down :)! He Has To Fight Him With Guns Knives (Gun: The Azz) (Knife: The Azz)
Also Add Cyclops, Dragons (Edited) and Elfs!