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Cart #6391 | 2012-08-01 | Embed ▽ | No License

This is actually the first map I'm trying to work on since I've got Voxatron.

Though as you can see, there is no weapon, and levels inside objects yet.
2-way doors are kind of broken, you just have to find them to go to next part of map.

It's based on this: http://www.shikadi.net/wiki/keen/images/5/53/Ck1lv80.png

Levels for map will be available when I finish porting whole mars map. Map is splitted into squares, as full map would be for me pretty much confusing still as player could skip levels by going around area instead to follow steps properly.

Another problem for me is triggering levels as done (Example: Enter shrine, do something around level, exit, replace shrine with object "Done"

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Cart #6381 | 2012-07-30 | Embed ▽ | No License

Sorry, I using Translater

Hello people! It's my first level, and i want know, how many stars(1 - 5) you rate my level?

Plot(I use translater):
You are in Hell, your mission - escape!
There 6 rooms:
0 - Jump, jump, jump!
1 - Doomed forest.
2 - Lair of HellHound's.
3 - Plains of Despair.
4 - Creepy forest.
5 - Halls of fire.
6 - Underground river.
7 - Hell-Botanic Dendrarium.
8 - Dragon Wall.
9 - Fin.

Hint: In Zero-room you can escape level another way, but with little score.
Hint: In Halls of fire you can restart, just walk in the portal under tree.


Cart #6320 | 2012-07-24 | Embed ▽ | No License

Demo level for 0.2.1

Make sure you update before trying to load this!


Wanted to get this game a long time but didn't till the last couple days.

I beat adventure mode. That dragon at the end is hard! I have many questions and suggestions but if I were to start a thread for each one, that would be too many threads!!


  1. Does the editor have any way to reset the camera to the default camera position??

  2. I've never managed to beat one of those tall blue shooty guys. They look awesome but how do you stop them? Maybe they have too much health to beat?

  3. Would it be possible to add another camera mode that rotates the stage so that your guy is always facing front?


  1. No offense meant but I gotta say this: The "Sword of Eternity" looks awesome and would be fun in a game by itself but as an item from a perspective of winning, it's pretty useless compared to the normal gun. It's melee attacks are too dangerous to the player's health! It's not a sword of "eternity," it's a sword of "a couple blows before it breaks from the enemies being too close"!

  2. Those voxel bit explosions look awesome! That effect should be exploited alot more. You should be lobbing big explodey bombs at enemies as a weapon.

  3. The game ought to be less picky about height. Bullets pass over the heads of enemies on uneven surfaces too easily.

  4. You should get an opportunity to control one of the big red devil smashing guys. Or better yet, play as The Hulk. You know, like from Zombies Ate My Neighbors? Some potion that makes you into huge ripped monster guy so you can SMASH STUFF!!!!

  5. I would love to see a Moon map pack. But that would require altering the gravity both for the player and for all jumping enemies.

  6. More than anything else, this art style reminds me of Captain Comic

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Well there are two things I don't get. I've wached some tutorials on youtube and the guy says that if you make your guy spawn on a sword that the sword will only be gone if ou are dead, maybe that's changed in the newer version or something? And how do I make that when I defeat all enemies the portal spawns?

Anyways thanks in advance


1 comment

How to modify the main character£¿
give me some suggestions please!
more like this "_dojo ".
sorry,I don't do well in English¡£


Cart #6302 | 2012-07-09 | Embed ▽ | No License

Yeah so it's 3 small arenas. With delicious (and square?) apples.

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Cart #6298 | 2012-07-03 | Embed ▽ | No License

i made a level i guess

this is the first time i sat down and made a level in this game. i like the editor, its just very difficult to make ~new things~. was fun though

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Cart #6296 | 2012-07-02 | Embed ▽ | No License

So I made this level for fun one day. You're some man in Canada who likes to chop trees, but you find something very peculiar in one day of tree chopping. No Canadians were harmed or offended (hopefully) in the making of this.


by mis
Cart #6293 | 2012-06-29 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #6291 | 2012-06-29 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #6289 | 2012-06-29 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #6286 | 2012-06-29 | Embed ▽ | No License

un seul objet des p'tites fleures


Cart #6276 | 2012-06-21 | Embed ▽ | No License

In this map you must adventure through a forest full of enemys, invade a castle, and claim victory!

1 comment

Cart #6271 | 2012-06-20 | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a work in progress. Optimally, the final result will have 26 rooms instead of just 7. This level revolves around alphabetical things:

Apple, Build, Chocolate, Duplicate, [Sword of] Eternity, Freeze, and. . . Go.

Yeah, I was out of ideas on that last one; I can't find any Voxatron objects which would supply me with a better G-word. Maybe every room should have a random voxelated thing instead of a Voxatron thing, so rooms like that last one which aren't themed around Voxatron items won't stick out like sore thumbs. :P

Feel free to remix this level if you have any better ideas for things starting with A, B, C, D, E, F, or G, or ideas for better room designs overall. My only request is that you change the level's name to "Now [b]We

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Can I ask a question about the game engine? Before blitting to the back buffer, do you combine the cubes into single meshes or simply blit each cube one at a time? How are you working out which cubes need to be blitted? Or do you blit all cubes regardless of whether they're obscured?

Can you show a pre-blitted wire grab?


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Alright guys. Maybe some of you have noticed my leave of absence, regardless I've caught word of 0.2.0 and decided to work on Sock Ghost 3-2. However, I've seem to have run out of ideas. I've made the first room. Check it out and see if you can come up with what part 2 should have.

Cart #6260 | 2012-06-11 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #6257 | 2012-06-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

Here is a level on which i've been working on for some time; it features a few interesting things, like:

-use-once doors and no-door-thing (nothing exceptional, just used them as they're supposed to be used)
-four mini-game like rooms, or at least that was what i was trying to do :P
-the tail of the main character swings and he goes up and down while he walks (probably the most interesting thing)
-A countdown that makes an invisible wall appear and sorround the end-the-level-thing, thus giving you a time limit (it's in the "kill all the monsters" part)
-the character is also a little slower and jumps a lot less than the robot

I have to admit that I didn't put too much effort in graphics, except for the crocodile animations.
Hope you enjoy the level, have fun!


I see levels which are scripted. How can you make scripts and import it to your levels?

Thanks :)

1 comment

I have my first level ready for upload, but I have no idea where Voxed saves levels by default. Can someone help me out?


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