I assume that when the monster editor appears it will have a framework similar to the fox demo/character build set.
Ive been animating voxamations using the (fox demo) foot frames as a sequence and doing test shots for the future. Its super fun you just draw your frame by frame voxamation into the foot/leg frames and then when you walk around it plays through the sequence.
(if you have no idea what im talking about look here) [u]https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=727[/u]
This should give those of you who are hanging out for the chance to make your own voximations something to do in the mean time. plus you will be able to copy paste later assuming things dont change drastically.
(p.s. real excited about the upcoming update, be patient fellow voxers, good things take time)
Watching raocow's Voxatron videos was what introduced me to the game, and eventually enticed me to buy it. I look forward to expressing my, erm, "creativity" through this new medium. That being said, let's have a look at my first level, entitled "DESTROY ALL SUDOKU".
The level takes place on 6 different sudoku grids, constructed by myself and by motris, and entails a great amount of destruction.
Those of you who actually don't completely suck at video games might find this level a bit easy and short. :)

I know that I'm not the only one who thinks that Voxatron needs to be brought to others. This game has so much potential but is being slowed down by lack of community interaction and support. I want to see this game rise above other more popular indie games but unfortunately I do not have the time to write articles for it on every website I visit. So I come to you, if you believe this game deserves more attention then please, recommend it to others on the other forums or websites that you visit. Tell friends or make videos and spread the word. I'm sure that better interaction within the community will not only increase the popularity, but also influence Zep to work harder than he already has on this game.
Thank you for your help and time for reading this thread.

UPDATE: I'm shutting this down, sorry.
Well, I noticed that Voxatron has been slowing down quite a bit, so I thought I'd add something new to the mix! These are the Voxatron Reviews! Where I (and eventually other users) will review levels and tell you our opinion on weather it's a hit or a miss.
How it works
This is how it works, if me (or one of the other reviewers) comes across a particularly amazing Voxatron level/model we can come and write a review for it here. Or. Users can come here and request their Level/Model be review. A review request should something like this.
Level Name: level name Preferred Reviewer: Whichever reviewer you would prefer review it Why this level should be reviewed: a description of what sets your level apart and why it should be reviewed |
I do also request you only ask for us to review full levels, not Work in Progress ones.
[b]Do [i]you