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Cart #pongem-0 | 2023-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


The classic game for the Atari, horribly remade!


This cartridge is a poorly done remake of the game "Pong" for the Atari!
Although it's different because the original Atari Pong didn't have an exclamation
mark in it's name, here's a visualization for that:

Pong (1972) <- Not cool, does not have an exclamation mark after it's name

Pong! (2023) <- Very cool, has exclamation mark after it's name

Anyways, this game uses my color collision system, which means that it doesn't have very smooth collision, although trust me it's playable, there's just gonna be some bugs that I haven't figured out yet. It also means that this isn't pure black and white, which would have been preferable. Luckily, I may update this soon and fix bugs, revamp the collision, and add anything else that would enhance the experience of-


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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎Now THATS one hell of an exclamation mark!



Player 1:

  • Up: Up
  • Down: Down

Player 2:

  • Up: X
  • Down: O

Nice. Try Tweetiepong.

A few notes compared to the real one:
Bottom balls width of the paddle has no hit box, where the ball hits the paddle doesn't determine bounce angle, and a lack of an accelerated paddle movement button

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