BBS Edition to celebrate year 1 of POOM release!
(limited to 1 level - sorry!)
Enjoy full game at:

Alternate scheme (select from controls menu):

Game is "multi-cart", using 0x8000 region filled with raw data from 2 carts (poom_0+poom_1).
Engine details:
Art+Design+Music: @paranoidcactus
Code: @freds72
- added: Jelpi Spotter credit :)

I don't see why the star count on this isn't blowing up as fast.

thanks! that’s an ‘old’ game and a small level, maybe that.
(It’s nit even featured - quality standard is tough these days 😜)

YESSS POOM BABY! I have been playing this for so long on newgrounds... Now everyone gets to have fun! Best multicart/cart on the entire site!

i got a sub-60 100% run using gamepad controls on ultra-violence difficulty

I'm no good at these kinds of games but damn if you didn't nail it on the head for fludity, motion, controls, and appearance, @freds72. Gold star.
As for your Easter Egg finding, @Fabolabert, that is epic ! :D

@TetraPengwin I know sub 20s without killing anything, never tried speed running a 100% 🤔 will try!
@Fabolabert hehe well spotted
@dw817 thanks (note that art/design is from @paranoidcactus)

after months of playing on im finally glad it got in the Pico-8 site

May I see the sprites? I refuse to belive you somehow fit all of those in the cart..

See devlog on itch, sprites (and map data) are loaded from 2 external carts.
The trick here was to use a technique compatible with BBS.
I can load up to 2x0x4300 bytes of data this way before firing the main cart.

Madlad... just how far can this be stretched now? (This is asking what/how large of a multicart could be made, I don't know much about code.)

not sure to get it - the main game on has 16 carts, 5 levels & 45mins of gameplay.
that’s not something the bbs can support

@YungSpinach592 The exit switch is 3 doors away from the start. You need to collect the blue key card to get through the 2nd door on the way.
This BBS release only has one level - you need to go to the page if you want to enjoy the rest of POOM.

Cool! I wander if it is avalible to rp tunes from pico-8 games?!? I'm a way newbie. I Day as I put first cartridge in.. Thou about 3 years of knowing the stuff (and previous?)

ParanoidCactus put the OST on Youtube:
that’s all songs from the full game

Phenomenal game that pushes the PICO-8 to its limits. Discovered it thanks to the Obscure Speedruns Club.

You Know? This Gaming Content "Poom" Is Rated M For Mature, Because Is Inspired By "Doom"

I Recommend You Playing The Different Games That Are Not Rated Pico-8 Mature Content

Alright @alex K.
Just because you are 14-years old doesn't mean you should slam others because their games are seemingly mature to you.
You are here by choice. Please, enjoy the games and our community - and let's not get into a war about age rating for well-known games.

hanger 00.25.66 WR (no kills) (hurt me plenty mode)
amazing work on this btw

@dw817 based. pico 8 its a pretty small community by itself, and such things as game being a little violent shouldn't be a problem.

and there is Jelpi in it so it cancels out M rating 😜
tbh - haven’t tough lt about it when publishing the game here…

I got an 18.79 after about 20 minutes of attempts, I couldn't find a faster run anywhere so I guess I'll post it here

I somehow beat this with both secrets and all kills on ultra violence. This is a really well made game and hope to see more. Something as simple as another gun would be great.

this is so cool !!!! :0
and i loved finding that little guy in the vents ^^ hehe

I really like this game. But I have a problem. Or at least I think I have a problem. I don't know if I remember it well, but I think there was a mouse look. Idk if it's because of browser, but I can't look with mouse. I can only shoot, use and choose weapons. When I try to move mouse left and right, cursor leaves the game window.

Idk what I’m doing wrong lol. I get to the end of the first level and hit the switch but level 2 doesn’t load. Was pretty sure I downloaded the full version. Loading icon shows up and the level doesn’t end.

there is no level 2 on that version.
make sure do download or play from

I've been searching for ways to transfer more data between BBS carts.
47Kb can be transferred via pico-8 memory (the rest of the 64K is reset when loading)
So I searched another way, and was able to transfer 550K (entirety of 15FPS bad apple video) via stat(4) clipboard.
the clipboard has a lot of restrictions :
you can't address the characters after 64K, and have to use split() to recover the data beyond that.
The string can't contain \0 or \r .
There's also server errors "429 Too Many Requests" occurring when downloading too many carts repeatedly. Not sure what a reasonable usage is here.
Nevertheless, this could be used to add more levels to BBS POOM if you wanted.

thanks but won’t do - uploading many carts on bbs is a pain & no wish to fight the clipboard system (slightly hostile to end user btw)
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