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Cart #poom_0-9 | 2022-01-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

BBS Edition to celebrate year 1 of POOM release!
(limited to 1 level - sorry!)

Enjoy full game at: https://freds72.itch.io/poom


Alternate scheme (select from controls menu):


Game is "multi-cart", using 0x8000 region filled with raw data from 2 carts (poom_0+poom_1).

Engine details: https://freds72.itch.io/poom/devlog/241700/journey-to-poom


Art+Design+Music: @paranoidcactus
Code: @freds72


  • added: Jelpi Spotter credit :)

1 year old POOM


It blows my mind that this is even possible on pico-8.


I don't see why the star count on this isn't blowing up as fast.

thanks! that’s an ‘old’ game and a small level, maybe that.
(It’s nit even featured - quality standard is tough these days 😜)





YESSS POOM BABY! I have been playing this for so long on newgrounds... Now everyone gets to have fun! Best multicart/cart on the entire site!

finally... Pico8 runs Doom <3

i got a sub-60 100% run using gamepad controls on ultra-violence difficulty


Look I found a easter egg!

I'm no good at these kinds of games but damn if you didn't nail it on the head for fludity, motion, controls, and appearance, @freds72. Gold star.

As for your Easter Egg finding, @Fabolabert, that is epic ! :D


@TetraPengwin I know sub 20s without killing anything, never tried speed running a 100% 🤔 will try!
@Fabolabert hehe well spotted
@dw817 thanks (note that art/design is from @paranoidcactus)


after months of playing on itch.io im finally glad it got in the Pico-8 site

May I see the sprites? I refuse to belive you somehow fit all of those in the cart..

See devlog on itch, sprites (and map data) are loaded from 2 external carts.
The trick here was to use a technique compatible with BBS.
I can load up to 2x0x4300 bytes of data this way before firing the main cart.

Madlad... just how far can this be stretched now? (This is asking what/how large of a multicart could be made, I don't know much about code.)

not sure to get it - the main game on itch.io has 16 carts, 5 levels & 45mins of gameplay.
that’s not something the bbs can support



Can someone tell me how the get past the first part

@YungSpinach592 The exit switch is 3 doors away from the start. You need to collect the blue key card to get through the 2nd door on the way.

This BBS release only has one level - you need to go to the itch.io page if you want to enjoy the rest of POOM.

Cool! I wander if it is avalible to rp tunes from pico-8 games?!? I'm a way newbie. I Day as I put first cartridge in.. Thou about 3 years of knowing the stuff (and previous?)

ParanoidCactus put the OST on Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCF9XUQWRFf1qWfH-cHhhfWw

that’s all songs from the full game

I finished very quickly bruh, so nice game!

Phenomenal game that pushes the PICO-8 to its limits. Discovered it thanks to the Obscure Speedruns Club.

My Best on "Hey, not too rough" is 29.29.

love it great job

You Know? This Gaming Content "Poom" Is Rated M For Mature, Because Is Inspired By "Doom"

I Recommend You Playing The Different Games That Are Not Rated Pico-8 Mature Content


Alright @alex K.

Just because you are 14-years old doesn't mean you should slam others because their games are seemingly mature to you.

You are here by choice. Please, enjoy the games and our community - and let's not get into a war about age rating for well-known games.

hanger 00.25.66 WR (no kills) https://streamable.com/bunr5r (hurt me plenty mode)

amazing work on this btw

@dw817 based. pico 8 its a pretty small community by itself, and such things as game being a little violent shouldn't be a problem.


and there is Jelpi in it so it cancels out M rating 😜

tbh - haven’t tough lt about it when publishing the game here…


I got an 18.79 after about 20 minutes of attempts, I couldn't find a faster run anywhere so I guess I'll post it here


I somehow beat this with both secrets and all kills on ultra violence. This is a really well made game and hope to see more. Something as simple as another gun would be great.

this is so cool !!!! :0
and i loved finding that little guy in the vents ^^ hehe

Support for controller is very nice!

I really like this game. But I have a problem. Or at least I think I have a problem. I don't know if I remember it well, but I think there was a mouse look. Idk if it's because of browser, but I can't look with mouse. I can only shoot, use and choose weapons. When I try to move mouse left and right, cursor leaves the game window.

@PaulJ use the itch.io version - bbs doesn’t support mouse lock

@PaulJ Oh. Thank you



Idk what I’m doing wrong lol. I get to the end of the first level and hit the switch but level 2 doesn’t load. Was pretty sure I downloaded the full version. Loading icon shows up and the level doesn’t end.

there is no level 2 on that version.
make sure do download or play from itch.io

I've been searching for ways to transfer more data between BBS carts.
47Kb can be transferred via pico-8 memory (the rest of the 64K is reset when loading)
So I searched another way, and was able to transfer 550K (entirety of 15FPS bad apple video) via stat(4) clipboard.
the clipboard has a lot of restrictions :
you can't address the characters after 64K, and have to use split() to recover the data beyond that.
The string can't contain \0 or \r .
There's also server errors "429 Too Many Requests" occurring when downloading too many carts repeatedly. Not sure what a reasonable usage is here.
Nevertheless, this could be used to add more levels to BBS POOM if you wanted.

thanks but won’t do - uploading many carts on bbs is a pain & no wish to fight the clipboard system (slightly hostile to end user btw)

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