PICO-8 games are getting so hard these days...
This is a port of a Flash game from Kian Bashiri called "You Have To Burn The Rope". It's a really hard game. You have to burn the rope there.
Here's a pretty apt description of the game, according to its original programmer:
You Have To Burn The Rope is, by formal definitions, a game since it has all the things that make up a game - besides losing condition which I regret not adding - but I wouldn't call it a game since it is hardly interactive in any meaningful way. The point was to make fun of other games that limit the player's interaction by being easy, linear, or heavily controlled and jokingly ask at which point these games also cease to be games.
If at any point you are stuck, I suggest that you check out the enclosed instruction book.
Version History
- v1.0.1 (June 12, 2020)
Added timer (activated by pressing Z/C/N at the title screen) - v1.0 (June 11, 2020)
Initial release

I got stuck and I went to go look at the inclosed instruction booklet but even then I was still stumped..
I wish this game was easyier.. : \

I love the game!
Maybe adding a timer in the game over screen, so you can see your time

Fantastic and delightful! Love the lyrics matching the music syllable per syllable!

I remembered the development of this on the discord server!

I showed this game to my niece and she says: "WOWI that was FUN, I LIKE the ending with MUSSSICCC. Sing with me "now im a hero and what do i do with the rest of my da-ay?" HAHAHGAGZA that was fun to listen too and i played again just to hear the MUSSICCCC! thank you ._."

Very few things make me LOL... that one did it.
Thanks for this.

I'm struggling to just get 23.7 without livesplit, any tips?
Update: Just got 23.43 and i'm very proud of myself

I've just learnt of this game, thanks to Meme_Meister's comment that raised this cartridge to the top. Awesome work, JWinslow23!

I believe I have the fastest time, a 21.63, according to the in-game timer (press z at the start instead of x). However, a lot of people are using livesplit, so it's possible they could have a faster time and split at different points or split late. I will edit this as I continue to improve. The flash world record is a 21.600 (using the timing method of this game) so I think pico-8 is faster than flash version.
Edit 2: I came back here a year later, and I've improved my times.
Got 21.03, then 21.00, and finally a 20.83. I didn't expect to break 21 seconds by so much, but I'm not complaining lol. I have video of this run too.
The game also has a leaderboard on https://www.speedrun.com/yhtbtr_p8

The game encounters an error every time it tries to start.
"memory allocation error: block too big
in init_tprint line 87 (tab 1)
in _init line 5 (tab 2)
at line 1 (tab 6)"
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