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Cart #43646 | 2017-08-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's my PICO-8 tribute to my favourite end-of-game music, "Still Alive" from Portal.
I also replaced the original credits with some shout-outs to the PICO-8 community! ;o)

Hope you like it and don't forget: the cake is a lie!

(P.S. - The original game music was done by Jonathan Coulton)

References used:


Holy crap. Just.... holy crap. This is so good. :D

( ^_^) and then I saw my nick in there ヽ(´▽`)/

and, really, thanks for the wake-up call, might be YEARS since I pulled a portal gun trigger! where's my steam shortcut again?

This is crazy, dude! I love it!


:( Guess I'll go eat worms.

Really nice work though! I thought about it once, but I'm a musical luddite. I wouldn't have done it remotely the justice you have, so I'm glad you did it. Good job reducing it to what works on Pico.

This is such a great tribute! The Pico-8 community is truly one of the best groups of kind and creative people and I'm very proud to be apart of it.

Thank you for making this :D

Thank you, very GLaD you liked it - 'twas fun to make! :D

(Sorry Felice/PixelCod - knew I'd forget some ppl, I'm sure there are plenty others as well, D'Oh!)

Ageed, while the BBS has kinda slowed a bit, the overall PICO-8 community remains strong and awesome. So, I wanted to give a little something back!

Stay awesome everyone! now where's that cake :D

No worries, Liquid, I was just taking the opportunity to be dramatic.

I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now.


:D :D :D :D

(I proper belly-laughed at this - PERFECT!)

amazing, too bad I'm not in it, but good job anyway, I love that song

I always thought for some reason that one of the Turrets was singing this song. Now as I read into the lyrics more, I think it's actually Glad0s singing... hmm.

aw thanks for the shout-out, pico-8 pal! :>

Good work on the cover! I love the scanline art :)


Indeed, it's GLaDOS. That's really what makes the song for me. It's touching and frightening at the same time.

People who have played Portal 2 may not know this about the so-called Turret Opera, because it's not sung in English, but the lyrics are very meaningful and reveal an important element of the story. I won't say anything here, because spoilers, but for those who are done with Portal 2, it's well worth looking up a translation + explanation.

Thanks again all, much appreciated :o)
(again - sorry for those I missed)

Yup, what @Felice said - couldn't have said it better myself! ;o)

I still wish I could've had mixed case in the lyrics, because one of my favourite lines is:

  • "But I'm GLaD I got burned,"

...and it's just perfect coming from her. :o)

You can if you edit the .p8 externally, though everything's inverted - capitals will print in lowercase. Just don't save the .p8 in pico-8 afterwards, or it'll revert everything to lowercase again. exporting html/pngs will (should?) keep those changes though.

I think he meant due to spacing concerns?

Oh right, I forgot this doesn't use the default font. Please ignore me.

It actually is using the default font. It's just converting all characters to their smallcaps version before calling print(). You can see this in the innermost loop at the bottom of the source code. It's a clever way to fit more text vertically.

Felice et al.:
Correct. I'm using a helpful "smallcaps" routine (that Felice made!), coz I used it previously in SCUMM-8 and thought it looked cooler.

The fact that it also meant I could then squeeze more verse lines in (being about 3 pixels smaller in height than "regular" case) was a juicy bonus! :D


Great Work! Portal is one of my most favorite games and one of the greatest games of all time! (Has it really been over 10 years?!) and Portal 2 was amazing as well. I can almost hear GLaDOS's voice in my head while listening to this. Please do "Want you gone" next! some of the instrumental effects might be hard to do in pico-8(e.g. That part at the very beginning) but I'm sure you could make something close :)

Great work, can't wait to see more.

Thank you @Firebird - very glad to hear of another Portal fan enjoying this. I certainly had a lot of fun making it.

Dunno about making another one tho - perhaps I'll leave that for someone else! :D

I prefer the girl singing. She's got the look in her eyes. :)

And that A Capello human voice as the only instruments in it is an astounding talent ...

Good Pico-8 tribute to the original in any case.

Amazing, i love it

Thanks all! 😊

Holy crap @dw817, she's beautifully terrifying! 😱
But still - worth it for the slow-mo cake face pounding! 😂

Love it!


So great! Totally love it.

How long did it take you to code this piece of cake?

Thanks all

@spellcaster: I can't remember now, but I think I did it in my spare time over about a week?
(Most of the time was me experimenting with the music/audio - as musical notation/transcribing doesn't come easy to me! 😅)

PS. I just watched this again in it's entirety, after about 2 yrs of not seeing/thinking about it - and I have to say, this is one of the things I'm most proud of! 😊


@Liquidream you wanna know how good it is? I played it during a break on a PIGSquad stream a couple weeks ago and it got flagged for a copyright claim. 😝 It's so good.

@MBoffin OMG! That's awesome! 😂
Thanks for streaming it (and letting me know) - that just made my day! 😊


Throughout the entire thing, I was smiling. Not only is this a great song, it’s also a great PICO-8 recreation. I love it. Also, I hope I’m not asking too much, but can you remake the Portal 2 credits?

mmmmmm cake

So much nostalgia. MMMMM...

it's just nostalgic... man, so many memories


I consider anyone who has their name in here a pico-8 og, lol


Here it is: The great song from Portal 2.
Want You Gone



Thank you all for your kind words - glad you like it 😊

@domske: Excellent work. We make a nice pair! 🤓👍


oh no way! now I can listen to still alive and want you gone, all in PICO-8!
a dream come true!

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