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Cart #18327 | 2016-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Oh no you've been thrown in the dungeon and have to escape!

Direction Keys to move
Z to open a door you're facing, if you have a key.


v0.3 updated to latest version of Pico-8, added title screen, expanded map, sfx for doors and keys - 899/8192
v0.2 minor bugfixes, expanded map - 912/8192
v0.1 initial upload - 875/8192

Known Issues:

  • The sound when trying to open a door without an appropriate key loops as long as you hold down the Z key
    (I may not even have to worry about this when I change door opening to be contact based)

To do:

  • Enemies
  • Some ability to stun or remove enemies?
  • Track Player Health?
  • Save points?
  • Score/Gold?
  • UI, perhaps use the X key to show an inventory?
  • Bump into doors to open them instead of using a keypress
  • Level design
  • Sound fx?
  • M-music???

Old versions:

Cart #18305 | 2016-01-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #18309 | 2016-01-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


The graphics are kinda neat


On one hand I really like the aesthetics of the graphics on the ZX Spectrum or the MSX, but on the other it's a convenient excuse for placeholder art while I work on actual gameplay elements.

The player was using a four color (3+transparent) NES-style look for a while, which I may go back to since making important elements pop is better for readability.

Updated to v0.2

A friend complained about not being able to reach an exit, so I made a path to the castle door. I also gave the player some colors, fixed collecting keys using all of the player's width and squashed a bug where if you fell onto a key from a long fall you'd clearly collect it before visually landing on it.

I really enjoyed this! Made it to the front door but couldn't find the key to get out =(

I like the art style as is, but I noticed the black pixels on the player sprite are see-through, you can get around this by using palt when drawing the player and picking a different unused colour for the background.

  • Automatic Doors could be done by checking collision with the door.
function collision(player,door)
  if(key > 0)then
     key -= 1
     --open door
     --move in direction of door
     --play "open" sound
    --play "bump" sound
  • Items could be used with Z.
    • Ideas:
    • Daze Spell
    • Flying Feather (for jumping?)
  • Saving can either be done with Passwords OR PICO-8's Save Feature. I recommend both, since I don't think saving is usable yet on the web player.

Great job so far! Reminds me of Magical Puzzle Popil.

Love the spectrum look!

Impbox: That's completely intentional. It's the same as old games on the systems I mentioned where they get around the limit of not having very many colors in the same way.

Skyrunner: Whoa, I admit my GameGear knowledge is pretty lacking, but that game looks too cute. I love it. As for doors, my collision code needs a bit of reworking before I can get it to work that easily. Everything on my to-do list has a plan for implementation, most of the question marks is due to not even knowing if I want to do it, or in the terms of music or sound effects, something I'm not well versed in.

As for jumping, I'm considering how and if I want to do it. On one hand I do like the implication of having to puzzle out how to access areas without a jump, but I might end up adding in something simple to clear a horizontal gap. We'll see.

Right now I'm working on adding enemies. Coming up with tricks to fit in animations with such a small allotment of space is interesting. Right now I've got a pair of heads and bodies I can swap to make four different enemy designs using only 12 tiles! The player character for reference takes up ten at the moment for reference.

Honestly I don't know how I'm going to fit in anything resembling a title screen as I've used over 50% of the available graphics tiles and

I was thinking of maybe using the built in tile map to hold a compressed version of the map in order to fit the same sized play area and free up the shared space for more tiles so I can use the extra tiles for more fancy things. It really depends on how much code the enemies end up bloating things.

New version is up. Enemies aren't done yet, they have graphics, but since the code wasn't getting finished tonight you'll only seem them if you peek into the code. I did get a title screen working, did some graphics for that. Finishing that means that a Game Over and You Win state are ready as well for when they're needed.

I also added some sfx for picking up keys, using them and trying to open a door without any keys.

Really nice! got to the door but couldn't get out.

This is cool, reminds me of Terry Cavanagh's 'You Have To Win The Game'. I love games that reuse screens more than once like this, foreshadowing of later puzzles etc. Good job.

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