Testing the 0.1.0c web player

Not that related, but may I ask:
Do I get the redeem key for Picotron even if I already bought it?
I can’t find it.

@auex I believe right now you'll have to get Picotron through Humble, if you've lost it you should be able to retrieve it from the email link from Humble. I'm not sure if we'll be able to add Picotron to our Lexaloffle accounts until release or beta at least.
@zep The player is looking pretty good! It seems to keep keyboard lock though, I had to reload the page fully to type this comment. Still a bit of audio maxing on some of the notes in this example as well. Thank you for all your hard work, Picotron is amazing!

Hi @auex -- I've set up lexaloffle account activations just now, and you should be able to grab a key via the Humble purchase page that was emailed to you. If that's not the case, then I'll try to get everyone caught up with keys when 0.1.0c is released.

Does it sound really crunchy/crackly for anyone else? I can provide a screen recording if needed. Every cart seems to do this in the web player for me.
Edit: using Windows 11, Chrome
Edit 2: same problem on ChromeOS

It sounds crackly to me too. I'm on firefox, linux mint.

it sounded great two days ago (firefox, debian) but struggles today
edit: after closing a hundred tabs, sound is good!

Crackly on Windows 10, Ryzen 5800X3D, Brave Browser. But somehow perfectly smooth on Manjaro Linux, Intel 7500T, Brave Browser.

@Nbrother1607 It seems zep fixed the sound on the BBS at some point. It's still not 100% (there's still the occasional pop if you listen closely, and a comparison between the web and standalone versions shows some differences) but it's certainly good enough.
But there's another thing I noticed that seems to be web-player exclusive... Try pressing enter. You'll see. :)
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