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Cart #zipumozira-0 | 2019-03-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

MMU Game a week submission

Title: Brick Busting Buddies
Created in: Pico-8
Author: Ryan Wilson


Control+R to restart the game

Player 1:
Left and Right arrow keys move the player from side to side
N/Z - Serve Ball

Player 2:
S and F move the player from side to side
L-Shift/Tab - Serve Ball

Up and Down arrow keys move the cursor up and down
X - Select Game Mode

Vs: Score points against the other player by getting the ball past their paddle, first to 7 points wins
Co-op: Destroy all the blocks in the level without losing the ball

If the ball touches the red line behind your paddle
(in Vs:) your opponent will gain 1 point, first to 7 points wins
(in Co-op:) the game is over

Out of Engine Resources/Assets used: None

Known Issues: Collision does not work correctly and can cause the ball to become trapped between Paddle.
The ball will not change direction if it hits 2 bricks at once as the b_dy value is reversed
twice causing no change

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