Prototype, using the cave diver tutorial by Dylan Bennet to learn Pico-8.
version 0.1.2 see notes at beginning of cart to see whats been added over time.
newest additions are new regular enemy type, and a boss fight!

I played a LOT of games like Platypus, so they probably informed a lot of what Ive done here! Thanks for checking it out <3

This is quite an advancement from my first time learning using the cave diver tutorial. I almost want to use part of the code for this so I can make my own shmup.
Very nice job so far. Really.

Oh gosh thats a heck of a compliment, thank you SO much! My code is pretty janky to be honest, but I DID try to keep things separate in a way that makes sense, at least to me. Its certainly not documented well though!!!!

Sometimes the boss doesnt spawn and I do not know why <3
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