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Cart #chrprinter-4 | 2023-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

v1.1 -- Added ability to clear output string by pressing Z
v1.2 -- Removed characters 0-15 as Pico-8 0.2.2 made these unusable, tweaked appearance
v1.3 -- Added characters 0-15 as code comments so they can be copied and pasted manually

This is a little tool for easily selecting and outputting characters from Pico 8's extended character set. You can build strings of any length and paste them as text using Ctrl+V or a right mouse click (on the BBS, you have to press Ctrl+C as well). I had some fun making it look like a version of the Pico-8 code editor with text characters as the icons, and since it's a pretty small program, I squeezed it down to fit in a tweet =).


Arrow buttons---Select character
X button--------Add character to output string
Z button--------Clear output string


can't use in text editors but cool!

Did you know about the ..= operator? That should save you 1 character.

@StinkerB06, Didn't know about that, thanks.

With this one the main focus was on making a functional tool, I just decided to squeeze it down a little to fit in a tweet because it was pretty close in size already. Hope somebody finds it useful, I already have.

From the wiki:

a += b       -- a = a + b
a -= b       -- a = a - b
a *= b       -- a = a * b
a /= b       -- a = a / b
a \= b       -- a = a \ b
a %= b       -- a = a % b
a ^= b       -- a = a ^ b
a ..= b      -- a = a .. b
a |= b       -- a = a | b
a &= b       -- a = a & b
a ^^= b      -- a = a ^^ b
a <<= b      -- a = a << b
a >>= b      -- a = a >> b
a >>>= b     -- a = a >>> b
a <<>= b     -- a = a <<> b
a >><= b     -- a = a >>< b

surprisingly useful!

Playing this cart beeps continuously now :-D

The printable glyphs for control characters are gone now, probably because they now have meaning for fancy text effects. Could be nice to still have them when printing 1-character string. @zep is that something that could be done?

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