Inspired by a game on Amstrad CPC this is my attempt make a game in the snake category. This is my first ever pico8 game.
15 Levels
2 Types of enemy, CPU controlled snakes and the vicious seeker.
3 Types of bonus
S to make your snake short
L to gain a new life
Ghost gain one new life every three levels.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed playing the original.
Level music by @SmellyFishstiks
Update v1.1
Minor update to allow input buffering as suggested.
Looks great! I'd like a key caching, so when I press e.g. "right" and "up" when moving down very fast, the snake would not only turn right, but also then up on the next tick, and the key press won't be lost.
@Zverik I think this new version does what you wanted. I actually mentioned that this may be necessary in the WIP thread for this.
@olus2000 this is what you and I were discussing before it actually wan't that much work.
@Athas this code looks clean! Good work, I've never felt so precise in a snake game before, it even changes the feel of the slower levels!
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