Uh-oh! After browsing the quotes from your favorite book, you discover that all the letters have been jumbled up and replaced with random other letters! Your mission is to reconstruct the text of all 100 of your quotes using only your knowledge of the English language.
Use the arrow keys to navigate the letters on the board.
Hold X and use the arrow keys to fill in a guess for a letter. You are not penalized for wrong guesses.
Press Z to erase a guess for a letter.
Version History
- v1.0.1.1 (October 16, 2019)
Corrected a small typo in one of the quotes - v1.0.1 (June 29, 2019)
Made the cryptogram text static, as opposed to bobbing up and down - v1.0 (June 27, 2019)
Initial release

The music is awesome, the text is cool, I gave up quickly on the first one, and I also used the menuitem() as a reference for my own game. Great game!

I think you should stop the cryptogram wobbling about. It makes it quite uncomfortable to play,

I love this. Your menu systems and UI all look fantastic and your interpretation of Bill Wurtz's music is awesome.

@dredds It's supposed to be the card that it's on moving slightly up and down. Sorry that it makes you feel uncomfortable! I'm making it static.

I am very impressed by the control scheme you've come up with. It's really quick to navigate and enter the solution letters.

I thought I recognized that music playing in the background... Love these Bill Wurtz covers! The game is also really neat, but by the 6th puzzle I was just brute-forcing the three letter words. I'm not really great at it...

@TheV360 Not many 3-letter words start with A. Also, try filling in words synonymous with the theme wherever they fit...

A feature request: I'd like a menu option to start playing at a random unsolved cryptogram.

I really like the interface! The limited controls force creative solutions! I played through 31 puzzles--so good! Good work! Oh! And the use of the font, too! Good job! EDIT: And the quotes! So good!

La de da de da de da de day oh
La de da de where did all the good times go?
La de da de la da dee dum dom La da de day
When will you come back home?
lol just found out

@WaterSplash Thank you for telling me! I'm glad I still have the original compressor on hand, haha. I've just updated the BBS and itchio versions.
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