I never thought about it until now, but I'm suddenly very excited to see if this gets implemented.
Good ideas! I'd love to screw around with properties like these...

Yes! I didn't talk much about general object editing yet, but the monster editor planned for 0.3.0 has become quite a general thing that also includes pickups, doors, decorative animations and weapons. I'll keep it as minimal as possible to start with so that 0.3.0 doesn't take forever to finish, but having the monster editor allows you to do a lot of the things you mentioned. For example, a bouncy collectable that's worth 20 points can be a monster that constantly jumps, and has several actions when colliding with the player: increasing score, showing "BLAH 20" and disappearing. (and no hurt_player action).

I want pickups like these:
- Ice cream. Worth 150 points, or 20 points if it falls to the ground. Meant to fall out of monsters.
- A score pickup that runs away, with a timer. Can be destroyed with weapons, so be careful.

New items would be epic! Maybe some sort of weapon that is like a bomb you throw, or an item that temporarily makes you invincible. Those would be fun. Then as b0rsuk pointed out above, it would have tons of other stuff you could do that would be awesome and creative.
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