tokens: 823
This is a feature rich typewrite effect and its highly customizable. It features everything you need for RPG dialogue, including sprite-drawing mid line. Check it out for yourself with this demo here. (Press X to insta reveal or advance the dialogue).
is this unoptimized?
Well, probably yes. I'm still learning as I go, but I'm pretty proud of what I have so far so here it is. Enjoy, guys.
The code for it:
--shooting★'s ultimate text --★ is used as my signature. --[[ text codes: $u1 = underline text (0 for no underline) $b## = border color, ##= a number, 0-15 $o## = outline color $c## = text color $d## = delay extra (0-99) if more delay is needed, use $f## and create a custom fx for it. $f## = special effects for any of these, you can use xx instead of a number to reset it to default (based on the default config you have set up) alternatively, you can use 16 to set it to nil and remove it. ]]-- --==configurations==-- --[[ configure your defaults here --]] ★msg_cnf = { --default color 1 15, --default highlight 2 nil, --default outline 3 1, --letter spacing 4 4, --new line spacing 5 7, --blip sound 6 0, --next msg sound 7 1, --------------------- --skip text/fast finish --button 8 5, --next action character '.', --next action character color 9 } --[[ standard variables,dont edit --]] ★msg_i=1 ★msg_t=0 ★msg_del=1 ★msg_cur=1 --==edit special fx here==-- --[[ special effects can be applied to all text after the fx code: $fid where id=a number starting with 1. in this sample, $f01 gives a wavy text effect. its auto-indexed, so make sure you comment similar to what i did to avoid confusion. self values: _dx (draw x) _dy (draw y) _fxv (fx value) _c (color) c (character) _b (border color, nil for none) _o (outline color, nil for none) _img (image index from sprite list) _upd (function, dont mod this) _id (index id of the character) --]] ★msg_fx = { --$f01 function(i, fxv) --floaty effect --[[ first, we get the self value (i) by using local self=★msg_str[i]. self._fxv = fx value self._dy = draw y, adds to the already rendering y position. --]] local self=★msg_str[i] self._dy=sin(self._fxv+fxv) self._fxv+=0.05 end, --$f02 function(i, fxv) --floaty effect 2 --[[ this time with random x locations. --]] local self=★msg_str[i] self._dy=sin(self._fxv+fxv) self._dx=rnd(4)-rnd(2) self._fxv+=0.05 end } --[[ store your messages here in this variable. make sure to comment the number to avoid confusion. empty text will end the text displaying. when you press the configured 'next' key, it auto-continues to the next string. --]] ★msg_ary={ --1 '$c09welcome$cxx to the text demo!', --2 'you can draw sprites\n$i01 like this, and you can\n\nadd a delay$d04...$dxxlike this!', --3 'looking for $d08$f01spooky$fxx$dxx effects?$d30\n$dxxhmm, how about some\n$oxx$o16$c01$b10highlighting$bxx', -- '$o16$u1underlining?$u0$d30$oxx $dxx geeze, you\'re\na $f02hard one to please!', --5 '' } --string storage-- ★msg_str={} --function to set message --id=index in ★msg_ary function msg_set(id) --sine variable ★msg_sin=0 ★msg_cur=id --reset message string ★msg_str={} --reset index counter ★msg_i=1 local __id=0 for i=1,#★msg_ary[id] do --add characters add(★msg_str, { --character c=sub(★msg_ary[id], i, i), --color _c=★msg_cnf[1], --bg color _b=★msg_cnf[2], --outline color _o=★msg_cnf[3], --draw_x and draw_y _dx=0, _dy=0, --fx value _fxv=0, --image to draw _img=nil, --extra delay _del=0, --update function for fx _upd=function() end, _id=__id }) __id+=1 end msgparse() end --parse entire message :u function msgparse() for i=1,#★msg_str do if not ★msg_str[i+1] then return end local t=★msg_str[i].c local c=★msg_str[i+1].c if t=='$' and (c=='c' or c=='b' or c=='f' or c=='d' or c=='o' or c=='i') then ★msg_str[i].skp=true ★msg_str[i+1].skp=true ★msg_str[i+2].skp=true ★msg_str[i+3].skp=true local val=tonum(★msg_str[i+2].c..★msg_str[i+3].c) for j=i,#★msg_str do if c=='c' then ★msg_str[j]._c=val or ★msg_cnf[1] end if c=='b' then ★msg_str[j]._b=val or nil end if c=='f' then ★msg_str[j]._upd=★msg_fx[val] or function() end end if c=='d' then ★msg_str[j]._del=val or 0 end if c=='o' then ★msg_str[j]._o=val or ★msg_cnf[3] end if c=='i' then ★msg_str[i+4]._img=val or nil end end end if t=='$' and c=='u' then ★msg_str[i].skp=true ★msg_str[i+1].skp=true ★msg_str[i+2].skp=true for j=i,#★msg_str do ★msg_str[j]._un=tonum(★msg_str[i+2].c) or 0 end end end end --function to draw msg function msg_draw(x, y) --return if text is empty if ★msg_ary[★msg_cur] == '' then return end --set a btnp value if not btn(★msg_cnf[8]) then ★msg_btnp=false end --loop... while ★msg_i<#★msg_str do --idk why you're trying to --read this if btnp(★msg_cnf[8]) then ★msg_i=#★msg_str-1 ★msg_btnp=true end --like seriously, its just --vital function stuff. ★msg_t+=1 if ★msg_str[★msg_i].skp then ★msg_i+=1 end if ★msg_t>=★msg_del+★msg_str[★msg_i]._del then ★msg_i+=1 sfx(0) ★msg_t=0 end break; end --i mean, hey... if you want --to keep reading, go ahead. local i=1 local _x=0 local _y=0 while i<★msg_i do if not ★msg_str[i] then return end if not ★msg_str[i].skp then --i wont try and stop you. _x+=★msg_cnf[4] if ★msg_str[i]._b and ★msg_str[i]._b != 16 then rectfill(x+_x, y+_y-1, x+_x+★msg_cnf[4], y+_y+5, ★msg_str[i]._b) end if ★msg_str[i]._img then spr(★msg_str[i]._img, x+_x+★msg_str[i]._dx, y+★msg_str[i]._dy+_y) end --you're probably getting --bored now, right? if ★msg_str[i]._o and ★msg_str[i]._o != 16 then local __x=x+_x+★msg_str[i]._dx local __y=y+★msg_str[i]._dy+_y for i4=1,3 do for j4=1,3 do print(★msg_str[i].c, __x-2+i4, __y-2+j4, ★msg_str[i]._o) end end end --yep, not much here... print(★msg_str[i].c, x+_x+★msg_str[i]._dx, y+★msg_str[i]._dy+_y, ★msg_str[i]._c) if ★msg_str[i]._un == 1 then line(x+_x, y+_y+5, x+_x+★msg_cnf[4], y+_y+5) end if ★msg_str[i].c == '\n' then _x=0 _y+=★msg_cnf[5] end else --why am ☉ even trying --to get you to not read it? end i+=1 end if ★msg_i>=#★msg_str then print(★msg_cnf[9], x+★msg_cnf[4]+_x+cos(★msg_sin), y+_y+sin(★msg_sin), ★msg_cnf[10]) ★msg_sin+=0.05 if btnp(★msg_cnf[8]) and ★msg_btnp != true then sfx(1) ★msg_cur+=1 msg_set(★msg_cur) end end --i mean, its not like --i care. for ii=1,#★msg_str do ★msg_str[ii]._upd(ii, ii/3) end --enjoy the script :)-- end |
How to use it is documented in the code as comments.
Quick sample setup:
--sample function _init() msg_set(1) end function _draw() cls() msg_draw(4, 4) end |
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