This is the first project I completed in pico-8: Connect four +
It is just like connect four but with a twist.
When someone puts four of their pieces in a row the game doesn't just end. Instead, the pieces disappear and everything above falls down sometimes making new four in a row's. For every four in a row, four random pieces of the other person will disappear.
You can play against a friend or against AI. (or let AI play against itself :-P)
- Use the arrow keys to select the slot in which you want to drop your piece.
- X to drop the piece.
Have fun.
ps. I have never beaten the AI myself.
pps. I also have an page.

Fantastic!!! So happy to see someone do this, this is actually in my backlog for a future project. WELP! Not anymore! hahahaha. Don't worry though, I have 86 ideas where that came from. Nice work!

Man, the computer player for this game is like "This dude is an idiot".
And it ain't wrong.

I managed to beat the A.I. 10-5 :)
It only took a few tries ;P
I find the random aspect interesting -- Initially thought I wouldn't like that, then tried it and found that I did!
But, I still can't help wonder how the game would play if it was deterministic...

Won against the AI 10-0 on the first try.
I played this game against my grandpa a lot as a kid xD

Would love to hear about the techniques you used for the ai! Working on a simple monte carlo tree search algo in pico8 atm and looking to hear from other folks who've done search-tree algos.
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