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Cart #pip13-0 | 2019-02-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A retro platformer where Pip, the tiny birb, must collect feathers to get strong enough to return to their nest and finish their nap.

Z/C to jump and airjump
X/V to short hop (on ground) and dive (in air)

Current version: 1.3, patch notes farther down in thread



Some really awesome games go unnoticed here. Man, I really hope yours doesn't. Amazing little game! Definitely my jam.

Just took me a while to understand that the purple bridge-type things are solid, but the purple wood-type things aren't. Not a major problem at all, but I guess it's a little confusing.

The duck-cum-pelican! I saw this on Twitter, great to play it. Really cool game, but surprisingly also pretty hard.

And yes, some games just don't get noticed easily. Usually a good idea to tweet about them with the #pico8 hashtag to get some more views, maybe put it on itch too.

This game is great. My only complaint is that it got a bit too easy at the end, but that can't really be helped given the basic more feathers more jumps mechanic.

It's a really pretty world and I like the different tile sets.

A bit thrown off by how lava works, but there's not really a game over or restart the section anywhere else so it's probably for the best.

I love this! The art is so damn good. You really made the best of the limited palette and pixels. I like all the little touches, like how holding down for a while makes the birb sleep, plus the additional effects like the rain and the lava being animated. Going into my favorites!


I loved this game! People make some real gems on PICO-8. This is definitely one of them.

I like it!
I struggled to find some feathers, but it reminds me of Farafalla.


10/10 🤩


I enjoyed playing it out in my living room on my raspberry pi! Cute game! Happy to see it on the bbs.

Very nice game. Art is pretty and controls are good. I did not find a real use for the dive (x while in air).


Time for another round of "this might be the last update" update!

Pip 1.3 Updates


  • Addition of an Assist Mode, wherein players begin the game with all 10 jumps. The player is required to collect all 10 feathers in this mode, instead of simply collecting as many feathers as necessary to unlock enough jumps to reach the nest. While there are still a couple of jumps which could be considered challenging this mode is meant to increase accessibility for all those interested in playing without a potentially prohibitive difficulty. Assist Mode is selected from a new menu on the title screen, as an alternative to Arcade Mode (the classic/original experience as included in version 1.2). Returning to the nest without collecting all the feathers will not trigger the end of the game; a future update may tweak the details of this to make the experience more clear.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved a bug where re-enabling the background music would always play the "gameplay" track, regardless of game state.

Quality of Life:

  • Made the text for toggling the background music and in-game timer more clear in the pause menu.

Known Issues:

  • Text prompts can overlap one another when triggered in quick succession, rendering them illegible.

A fix for the text prompts overlap may be included in the near future. This potential update may also help to clarify the differentiation of endgame requirements between Arcade and Assist modes more clearly during gameplay.

Thank you for enjoying my birb!

~ rare

Really fun! Art and music are amazing, and I like how the level gradually opens up.

Just wanted to let you know that this game is on coolmathgames.com and they put their own intro on your game.

@SPACECOWPIE Heya, thanks for checking in about that! CMG reached out to me initially and Pip is on their with my permission :)

Thanks for the assist mode! In regular mode so far I get stuck after the first feather, so this gave me a chance to play and look around in the level!

I missed version 1.3 the first few times I visited this thread — you could update the main post to make it easier to see (I think that's the common practice here).

what about nothog? put it on the bbs plz

@Dogerizer: I've been less active but I did see the comment, sorry for the delay. NotHog is available for download but I might do a BBS version when I eventually go back to it and tweak the game some more.

@merwok: I'm glad you liked the assist mode! And thank you for mentioning updating the first post, I haven't been using the BBS much so I've missed out on best practices.

Suggestions for nothog

Jump button

Easier slide and blood options

Changeable colors

1 player mode

more moves

Hope you implement them

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