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Cart #downbelow-0 | 2019-01-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello everyone,

First time poster here.

During the last Ludum Dare I made my submission using Pico-8 which was a novel experience for me. It's always nice to have something new to learn and experiment with with time pressure.

Making a game with Pico-8 has been relatively smooth. My biggest scare was when I started building bigger levels in the last few hours, I suddenly realized that some sprite became corrupted. After a brief panic and loading up a recent backup, I dig up a bit to discover the shared memory space between map a sprite. That was scary!!!

Unfortunately I didn't had the time to toy around the tracker to make some music.

Overall it was really nice and I will keep using P8 to make some quick prototype. I love how it forces you to focus on the core of an idea.

Hope you will enjoy the game (updated since the original submission)



Really fun and I liked the twist [no spoilers]!

cool but the hitboxes are pretty jank.

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