An entry for TweetTweetJam - a weeklong gamejam where everyone makes a game in 560 bytes or less.
Arrow keys to move, X to reset if you die. Your score is based on your forward distance.
This is super cool! Especially since it takes up less space than, to quote the now sadly defunct Nintendo Gamer, "a Word file listing decent episodes of Pan-Am."
I know this is from a game jam, but would it be possible to modify this so that cars can go in the other direction and there's walls, like the original Frogger? That would up the challenge significantly.
@PicoLate: At one point, I had each lane going in opposite directions, but eventually I removed that to get it down to the size limit. I was either cutting that feature or removing left/right movement from the player, and I decided that the player's controls were more important!
There's definitely room for more features as long as it doesn't need to keep the 560 limit - the real code is super compacted so it's very hard to read, but here's a "cleaned up" version with comments, which runs the same game but would be much easier to modify.
frogX=0 frogY=0 died=0 camX=frogX camY=frogY ::_:: flip() cls(1) // weird arrow key input z=btnp() // add +/- 5 to x for right/left arrows frogX+=(flr(z/2)%2-z%2)*5 // add +/- 1 to y for up/down arrows frogY-=flr(z/8)%2-flr(z/4)%2 // camera eases toward frog position camX+=(frogX-camX)/3 camY+=(frogY-camY)/3 // draw road lanes for laneY=frogY+25,frogY-2,-1 do // each lane has its own randomized properties srand(laneY) // car animation properties cycleOffset=rnd() carSpeed=8+rnd(16) // perspective distortion strength // (persp=0 means "infinitely far away") persp=(laneY-camY+2.3)/12 // draw the road // (but draw it offscreen if persp<0) rectfill(-1,64+9/persp,sgn(persp)*127,127,6-laneY%2) // draw a frog in every lane... // but offset it off the screen if the // frog isn't actually in this lane print("🐱",61+(frogX-camX)/persp+(laneY-frogY)*99,62+7.5/persp,3) // each lane has a different # of cars // (early/negative lanes have no cars) for i=1,sgn(laneY-2)*rnd(8) do // a car has two halves, parallel to the lane // (near-half and far-half) for k=0,1 do // each car has five sub-circles for the body for j=-2,2 do // x-position of this sub-circle worldX=(i*carSpeed*4+j+t()*carSpeed+cycleOffset-camX)%198-99 // collision detection for the frog if laneY==frogY and abs(worldX-frogX+camX)<2 then died=1 end // far-half of car uses a different persp value persp2=persp-k/60 // get screen position of this sub-circle screenX=worldX/persp2+64 screenY=5/persp2+64 // draw this sub-circle circfill(screenX,screenY,2/persp2,laneY%5) // draw a wheel, but only if j equals +/- 2 circfill(screenX,screenY+2/persp2,(abs(j)-1)/persp2,0) end end end end // self-explanatory death check if (died>0) then goto dead end // if you're not dead, continue the game loop goto _ ::dead:: // you done goofed // random red/orange noise pset(rnd(128),rnd(128),8+rnd(2)) // death UI print("❎ reset",46,62,7) // your score is your distance, literally print("score: "..frogY,3,3) // restart command if btn(5) then run() end // haven't reset yet. resume death goto dead |
Good job with the 3d effect and the code limits. Maybe a full version sometime would be neat. My best: 93
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