I kind of got frustrated after the 10th or so key. What am I missing?! >.<

Totally missed you posting this yesterday.
Excellent conversion of your original - love the "adjustment" to this version. Works well.
Still totally dig the style of this game the most.
Congrats on finishing it :D

That's quite some effort for a silly idea. I like it. I had to resort to cheating though by going over the source code...

So once you get out of there, it's just the one room and the game ends, or is there a "real" way to get out? (I'm not giving it away...just yet :) ) Because it'd be cool if this were a REAL "escape from the room" game where there were several more rooms and puzzles and not just the one.

Thanks for the feedback all!
Glad you appreciate the effort, it's all there to distract from the simple truth. :)
DR4IG, you just need to use the right key!
A larger, interconnected, set of rooms have crossed my mind - but it would be a totally different project.

I finished it soon because I remembered another version of the game (Ludum Dare maybe?). If you play a second time after finishing it, the door appears open, but the message of "locked" and the key droppings continue... The player can pass through the open door but the keys can't.

Good catch! I update the tile map when the door is opened and simply didn't close it again. :)

I was thoroughly enjoying this delightful little key generator (despite all the distractions like "escaping") when it suddenly ran out of keys to give and restarted -- causing me to lose all my precious keys. :(

I am so dumb... I'm not going to say how long it took to get the right key.
Nice game.

That was clever. I'm curious though, is there another way to get out? (No spoilers please)

Lol, I paused to look at the comments, and immediately got the answer on my return.

Had a good chuckle seeing the depths of one man's insanity as I made him try the same (and only) key on the door a few dozen times.

the keys eventually ran out and the dialogue rolled is there a way to get out of the room?

facepalm thank you so much i was doing some weird thing where i was trying to guess the order of keys thanks for helping @dw817

Lol I paused to look at the description closely for clues, and then it hit me!

The lack of spoilers in this comment section is almost as impressive as the game
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