Hi, so I bought a pocketchip just to run pico8 and i was a bit disapointed that it doesn't run near as well as i expected (stutters, slows down, etc).
Are you guys aware of something else? I love the concept of the arduboy which dedicates 100% of its very limited resources to the game it runs. I'd love something like that but for the pico8, or at least as close as possible (maybe a super light distro that boots straight in pico8 with all 'extras' removed?
Thank you.

This guy is doing a tiny portable with a Pi Zero:
I agree a semi-official, hopefully-portable Pico-8 "real" console would be the bomb!

yeah i've seen that one, i was praying for one with a keyboard though so i can edit on the fly. Oh well. might build it myself. I wonder if it's financially viable, i might KS it as a side project

My dream would be the PocketCHIP but with a keyboard that could fold over the screen, and with really usable keys (the current ones are barely usable). That would make one hell of a portable dev tool.
I had a glance at the keyboard to guess how it could be separated from the screen, but the keyboard circuit itself is hidden between 2 boards. I know nothing about electronics, but I was already looking for a cigar box to add a nice retro touch for what could have been the warmest and smelliest mini laptop.
Anyway, making Pico-8 dev on the PocketCHIP is nice with an external keyboard and the Lego stand I made, but I wish there was a way to take apart its screen, Chip, and keyboard to build a seriously sexy pico laptop!

Totally agree with what ElGregos said - folding design, to protect the (ideally "touch") screen and make it pocket-able.
I would just wish for something more powerful than the Chip, as I don't think it can run some "demanding" PICO-8 games at full speed/60fps
(I'm looking at you Rez & Krajzeg! ;oP )

I love my pocket chip. I love it's ... roughness. You can imagine it being a prop from a cyberpunk story written in the 1980s or early 1990s.
However, all that said. I'm more and more tempted to make something along these lines :
Or even just buy one of these :

Raspiboy is a jewel...
Since I like fiddling with electronics I am building a Gameboy Zero and one of its main tasks will be PICO-8 :)

lpttit: thanks for the tip on raspi boy. Seems like a good project and not too hard to put together.

Just found out today about mintyPi:
Looks like a very interesting project, having a pico-8 handheld in an Altoids tin box sounds dreamy.
But it definitely also looks very time consuming to find all the parts and do everything right.

I've been following Sudomod's MintyPi for about a year (since his original "rough" version).
The new version looks brilliant - just a shame that it'd...
- cost a lot to get the parts to the UK (I don't have a 3D printer), and
- looks quite tricky to build (I doubt I could solder "well" if I my life depended on it!) :D

My ears are burning! Pi0CKET is my project.
I am working on my keyboard project ATM, but I have a pico-8 based project on the sidelines too
The link above for the vmu conversion is awesome too. Kite is a legend! 😁

Well TinyPi has a nice skinny case. My keyboard project is still naked. Trying to get it working properly first. I might try and get some prototypes in some hands and get help refining it 😁

I developed the PI-XO open hardware, as low cost solution. It's based on Raspberry Pi Zero.
Includes display, mono audio with speaker, GPIO ...
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