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Solitaire (Klondike)
Use a mouse
Left button picks and drops cards
Right button pans the board a bit to show long piles of cards
New in version 2:
Z to change deck
X also pans

W O W ! Really good ! I like the scrolling ability. Truly a great game for the mouse for PICO !
You might allow key (Z) to scroll as well as touch-screen PICO does not recognize the middle or right button.
Option to SAVE game would be nice. Option to disable mouse cursor as it appears already in Internet browser.
Possibly check to see if player goes 2-rounds through the deck and, if not finding or moving anything, determines that the player cannot move, ends game and tallies score.

Nice version of Solitaire, great job!
@dw817 touchscreens don't have a 'Z' key, either (and I think PocketChip has multitouch, doesn't it?). If you want the scroll down functionality on a touchscreen, I'd go with either a swipe or small onscreen button.

Well I wrote a program recently to recognize swipe gestures, touch-screen or mouse. You can find that HERE:
What does multitouch do ?

Thanks for the kind words and nice to see that you guys liked it! I don't plan to continue developing this, but if you want to improve it you have my blessing. Also I don't know if any of you made it to the end, but there is a suprise a la Windows 3.1 if you solve it ;)

Yep, at the 2nd attempt I managed to finish a game and saw the famous Windows 3.1 freecell animation! Won't spoil it for anyone else though :)
Thanks for the game @r1sc, it brought back some nice memories (Ã la windows 3.1 of course).
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