This function abuses Unicode and ANSI color codes to output a screenshot of the current screen to a text terminal such as xterm. You can record the PICO-8 rendering and replay it using “cat”! You can run PICO-8 over ssh! You can be anything you want.
I also set up a telnet service demonstrating the feature:
telnet 12345
Here is how it looks like; this is PICO-8 (small window) launched from GNOME Terminal (large window) just after screenshot() was called:
And here is the code:
pico-8 cartridge // version 8 __lua__ -- screenshot to console -- by sam hocevar function screenshot() local l={ 16, 17, 89, 29, 131, 240, 251, 230, 197, 214, 220, 47, 39, 103, 211, 223 } local e="\027[" printh(e.."?25l") -- hide cursor for y=0,63 do local ofg,obg=-1,-1 local s=e..(y+1)..";1\072" -- uppercase h for x=0,127 do fg,bg,ch=pget(x,y*2),pget(x,y*2+1),"\226\150\128" if bg>fg then fg,bg,ch=bg,fg,"\226\150\132" end if fg!=ofg or bg!=obg then s=s..e local t="" if (bg!=obg) s,t=s.."48;5;"..l[bg+1],";" if (fg!=ofg) s=s..t.."38;5;"..l[fg+1] s=s.."m" end ofg,obg=fg,bg end printh(s..e.."0m"..e.."\075") -- uppercase k end printh(e.."?25h") -- show cursor end |
The terminal must be UTF-8 and 256-color aware, so this will probably work in most Linux and OS X terminals. On Windows I could test it successfully with the MSYS2 terminal.
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