I was wondering if anyone was interested in a Discord server for Pico-8. It's not meant to take away from the official forums but I feel like it would be good for quick questions and general discussion as well as help build a tighter-knit community around Pico-8.
If you're interested, let me know! If not, then no worries!
Thanks all!

There's already both an IRC and a Slack set up for PICO8 discussion. We should as a community pick just one and stick to it :P

Didn't know there was an IRC channel but I think I do favor Discord.
It's more for gaming but its a bit more dynamic than Slack and has more features that help with gaming than say IRC.
It's not so great for organizing projects though but it could serve as a meet up space and for organizing gaming in general among the crowd.
Hmm maybe we should make a page for all the different community gathering spots.
There one on Reddit at least?

The reddit page is slow, as it seems most the action is here (probably as it should be) but reddit was how I found this.
I'm in the for discord setup as well.

This idea that we need to pick one gathering spot and isolate to it is nonsense. The slack is active, the IRC has regulars, and a Discord chat would be fun for live conversation. I even do Pico8 development over Twitch streams, reddit, and Google+, not to mention the board here.
People are where people go, and if we want this hobby to be accessible, it needs to be where the people are.
If you guys start up a Discord, I'll show up.

Start up that discord server already! xD
Almost tempted to do it myself, though you gotta be willing to maintain it or hand it over to someone who would.
I'd be happy to help moderate a bit, least as I'm available anyway.

Sorry all, I haven't had a chance to hop on here lately. I'm gonna start the discord server and post the invite link here when it's ready.

Alright, Discord is up. Just click the link below.

Hm, really do not get the idea of having too many community channels. The Pico-8 Slack-Channel is really active, so what's the added value of discord? Both tools are so similar...

That was my thinking.
By having so many places the community gets diluted into all these different silos.
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