Hey all! I've begun updating the game! Be sure to check the change log in the spoiler below...
If you cant find your saves in appdata when you download the game, Right click on the Picovania cart, and select about. Make sure "Sandboxed" isn't checked, or that it is consistent with your preferences.
Sandboxed location: appdata/bbs/picovania
Non-sandboxed location: appdata/picovania
Cart save location is always the same, and lives On The Cart You Downloaded
If you grab a new cart and you have saves on your old one, dont forget to transfer to appdata using Copy mode!
Press ⬅️ and ➡️ to move left and right
Press ⬇️ to duck
Press ⬆️ or ⬇️ in front of a stair
railing to ascend or descend stairs
as appropriate
Press ❎ to jump
Press 🅾️ to use your whip
Hold ⬆️ and press 🅾️ to throw a
sub weapon
The goal is to advance in the stages.
Defeat the area boss and collect their orb.
Whip candles to collect sub weapons,
hearts and money bags. -
Hearts supply you with ammo for your sub weapon.
- Big hearts are worth 5, small hearts are worth 1.
- Money bags award points. Points help you stock up lives!
Collect a porkchop to gain 6 health, up to a maximum of 16
- Collect the Multi stone for Multi Shot, which allows you to have more sub weapons on-screen
at once!- Multi Shot can be upgraded twice, but if you collect a different sub weapon or die you will lose it
A more detailed manual is currently in the works. For now, Enjoy!
I will continue to support this game post-release, adding new features, fixing any lingering bugs, etc!
Release is NOT the end... it is only the Beginning!
Happy whipping, Hunters!

Amazing! I've been looking forward to this one. Great job with what might be the most complete/fleshed out picotron game so far!

@Munchkin Thank you so much! It is truly an honor to join the ranks right alongsine Chance Heroes. My only hopes are that people enjoy playing the game, and that it inspires more to see larger projects through to the end!
Happy whipping, Hunter!

This is my favourite game in Picotron, Konami will be proud of your version. You have talent

Nice job sticking with this to completion, it feels (and sounds) just like the original. I know people think of NES games as small and simple, but remaking one yourself is a big undertaking. With Picotron's resolution you could probably put the original graphics in, but it has its own unique look this way.

@JadeLombax You nailed it. I didn't want to to recreate the original 1 to 1, as that would be impossible. Too much room for scrutiny. Instead I wanted to get down the look and feel while adding my own spin to things.
I'm glad you like it, and thank you again for the inspiration!
Your Picomap project is what initially lit this fire, and... well, I just didn't stop until it was done!

Amazing, definitely brings me back to playing the original back in the day. Really well done.

@NerdyTeachers I'm glad I could take you back! Your lessons made this game possible, so here is a fun game to play in return. Happy whipping, Nerdy Hunter!
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