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This Lua script is designed to copy files from a directory in /appdata/system/lib to the corresponding destination in /system/lib. The key functionality of this script allows the user to modify the system libraries (e.g., gui_ed.lua in this case) in /appdata/system/lib and have those modified versions persist even after a reboot.
Key Features:

Directory Syncing:
The script checks for files in the /appdata/system/lib directory.
It copies each file to the matching location in /system/lib based on the filenames. For example, if gui_ed.lua is modified in /appdata/system/lib, it will be copied to /system/lib/gui_ed.lua replacing the original.

Persistence of Edits:
Any changes made to files in /appdata/system/lib will persist after reboot, ensuring that the customized libraries remain intact and are used when the system restarts.

Works with Any /system Directory:
The script can be adapted to copy files from any directory within /appdata/system to the equivalent directory in /system, not just /lib. It can be used to update any files in the /system/ directories by making minor changes.


Modifying Default Libraries: For example, you can modify the gui_ed.lua file in /appdata/system/lib and, when the script is run, it will copy this modified file to /system/lib/gui_ed.lua. This ensures that your changes are preserved across reboots and will be loaded at startup.

-- Function to check if a file exists in a directory
local function exists(path)
    -- Handle the case where path is just a file name (without a directory)
    local dir = ""
    local file_name = path
    if path:find("/") then
        for i = #path, 1, -1 do
            if sub(path, i, i) == "/" then
                dir = sub(path, 1, i - 1)
                file_name = sub(path, i + 1)
        -- If no directory, treat the whole path as the file name and current directory as default
        dir = "."

    -- List files in the directory
    local files_in_dir = ls(dir)

    -- Check if the file exists in the directory
    for _, file in ipairs(files_in_dir) do
        if file == file_name then
            return true

    return false

-- Function to replace a file in the target directory
local function replace(source_file, target_dir, source_dir)
    if source_file == nil or source_file == "" then
        return -- Return early if the source file is nil or empty

    local target_file = target_dir .. source_file

    -- Only remove the file from the target directory if it already exists in the source directory
    if exists(source_dir .. "/" .. source_file) then
        if exists(target_file) then
            --print("removing: " .. target_file)

    -- Copy the file from the source to the target directory
    cp(source_dir .. "/" .. source_file, target_file)
    --print("copy: " .. source_file)

-- Function to clone a directory
local function clone_directory(source_dir, target_dir)
    local files_in_source = ls(source_dir)

    -- Replace each file in the target directory
    for _, source_file in ipairs(files_in_source) do
        replace(source_file, target_dir, source_dir)

-- Example usage
-- feel free to add other directory here
local source_directory = "/appdata/system/lib"
local destination_directory = "/system/lib/"
clone_directory(source_directory, destination_directory)

-- Example adding more directory to the update list:
--local source_directory = "/appdata/system/apps"
--local destination_directory = "/system/apps/"
--clone_directory(source_directory, destination_directory)

Update Other Directories: The script is easily extendable to work with other directories in /appdata/system/, ensuring that other parts of the system, such as configuration files or additional libraries, can also be edited and preserved.

Put the content of the main.lua inside the cart into /appdata/system/startup.lua for it to work on boot.

Cart #kudesurowo-0 | 2025-01-10 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


If you don't mind some suggestions to simplify the code:

For exists(), you can do fstat(). It will return "file", "folder", or nil (if a file doesn't exist)

cp() will overwrite a file if it already exists, so you don't actually need to check for or remove the target file.

You can simplify clone_directory down to

local function clone_directory(source_dir, target_dir)
    local files_in_source = ls(source_dir)

    -- Replace each file in the target directory
    for _, source_file in ipairs(files_in_source) do
        cp(source_dir .. "/" .. source_file, target_dir .. source_file)

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