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Cart #petal_quest-12 | 2025-01-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Petal Quest is a tiny adventure in a forest of secrets.

This is a game of discovery with light puzzles. Loosely inspired by Tunic, Fez. I love these strange little games and the world needs more of them.

Thank you for playing!

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Patch Notes


Game and music by Noel Cody.

Resources: Some SFX are from or adapted from the PICO-8 SFX pack. The base dog sprite is adapted from the cat in the PICO-8 Wander demo. The base rabbit sprite is adapted from Bunny Trap. Gruber's tutorials were helpful in getting started with PICO-8 music and sound.



this is so cute


Such a sweet little game. Puzzles were great and unique.


Wonderful little game. The birds in particular are beautifully rendered. The whole aesthetic is just lovely. A really nice cart, beautifully put together. You should be very proud.


Absolutely delightful little game! Loved it!


Awesome game! Loved the little puzzles.

how do you even do this like
what do the birds have to do with the flowers
all i did was bark all the time lol


So cute little game and dog and even a cute ribbon 😍.

@Zellente haha nice you found the secret 🎀!


A great "simple" game that hides its implementation complexity behind cuteness and charm.
After a delightful quick 1st play, I tried (and failed) to find new secrets aside from the 🎀.
Here's what I tried :

getting all the birds grouped by color

bringing the white flower to the rabbit
singing the bow song to the rabbit, the girl and the place with the blue rabbit statues.
Noticing that two blue birds were not singing the blue chords.
Singing along with the birds the audio accurate sequence. That one was pretty fun to try, even though I had to do a 3rd play-through to try it because the birds stop singing once you sing the bow color sequence.
It's also not trivial to distinguish between the audio of purple and red.
Singing the audio accurate version to girl, rabbit and rabbit statues.
Supposing the small white flowers might mean bark and the blue ones might mean blue, and sing the small flowers in every screen.
After that I just gave up, and took a peek at the code. Saw a funny f function that defaults to spr to save tokens, lots of advanced stuff like coroutines for the songs, a noop function to factorize room behaviors, some metamethods to silently replace special array members by function calls, a clamp function that seemingly does the same as LUA's mid function, but I failed to locate any secret. Alas, that proves nothing, since I also missed the music code for the bow sequence while quick reading the code.
So now I'm just giving up completely and resort to asking the author : did I miss something ? Is there a reason behind the two blue birds that don't sing the blue note ?


I'm honored by your analysis of the game and code, and I'm so glad you enjoyed secret hunting. Thanks for sharing these notes. Yes you've found everything in the game.

The two blue birds with different notes was an unfortunate side-effect of that particular puzzle's implementation, and I've patched it out, though I enjoyed reading your creative use of this unintentional red herring!

Also appreciate the tip on mid. Thank you for playing and for your kind words!


That was beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for this wonderful experience.


You can already use O+X in the earliest phase of the game.

So I suppose it could be sequenced like this.


love it... what a nice little game




Very nice little adventure, I enjoyed it!


Excellent. I felt the spirit of doggy by just barking at things.

Very fun and wholesome. Great job!

Very nice experience, I loved the ambiance!

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