A simple minesweeper clone. Tried to stay as close to the original as possible.
Now with difficulty adjustment and more!

This is great! Is there a way to change the board size? e.g. to get a bigger minefield to sweep

Looks quite close to the original game! If you're trying to get as close as you can, your 1 placement in the tiles might be one pixel off to the left. A slight shift to right by one pixel should do the trick.
Also, I don't know for Windows 95/98's version but recent iterations of the game allows you to clear a number's neighbor if the number of flags matches the number, allowing you to clear them out quickly if you're really sure that it should be safe. If the feature is present in the version you're inspired by, are you going to add it to your game?
And last bit : I noticed you tried to use the small AA in the smiley face but couldn't really nail those, they feel a bit blocky. Maybe you could use one of the colors past 31 (so 32-63) to povide yourself the proper color! It'd rarely get conflicted with the desktop environment, so you should be fine.
Other than that, yeah, I missed landing on a mine on every second move of my attempts! Pretty neat version!

That looks cool!
Here is my recommendations to improve your game:
- Start timer only when player open first cell
- Generate mines positions only after player press any cell and prevent generating mines on that cell and nearest

@ismagilli Thanks for the feedback. 1 is implemented in the new version. For 2: The first click can never be a mine. For the neighbourhood: I like the idea, but I want to keep it faithful to the original so as of right now I'll keep it how it is. I'd love to integrate a no-guessing mode like https://minesweeper.online/new-game/ng but that's a whole new thing that requires an integrated solver.

I was wrong. Another thing caught my attention. In the original game, when opening the first cell, the game also opened a whole piece of territory without mines. In your game, very often there is a situation that exactly one cell is open and there is no way to open some cell and ensure that there is no mine.
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