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Hey again!

I've recently assembled the raspberry pi powered pico8 game console that I have been showing off, and I'm proud to show that it is fully capable of running splore now! We still have quite a lot of tweaks to make before launch, but it's great to see it coming together. Now if you would excuse me as I go spend a couple of hours playing games...

I can't embed videos here, so checkout the reddit post for an actual gameplay video :))


This is really cool, on the waitlist

How are you handling the intentionally ambiguous orientation of O versus X buttons? To me the best solution is to have four buttons, and O and X are mapped like

Or the reverse. That way, it is up to the player when and if they wish to swap, by moving their thumb over.

@gradualgames You could get away with only using 3 if you arrange them like OXO, just like how the keyboard controls are

@Soupster However four gives the player not only the option of OX and XO but which angle they want their thumb to be at as they grip the machine. I suppose a triangle formed by OXO or XOX could work but it might form more awkward angles than four buttons.

I think either four buttons or two buttons with a small toggle switch would serve Pico 8 players well, but don't make it hard coded to either OX or XO.

I still think four is best. Sometimes for convenience one may wish to switch OX or XO while playing, without going into a menu or fiddling with hardware. Just slide your thumb. As the keyboard has zxcv mapped to oxox, not having four buttons to me would be removing Pico 8 functionality.

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