Build a Jetpack
First entry of my challenge to release a game every month for the next 100 months.
- Arrow keys to move
- When on your raft, press C to open the shop.
- Press X to confirm actions.

Excellent first entry! Great, fun progression, really nice sound and music.

@Yoshiip it's too easy to miss good games here in the BBS. This is a hidden gem, I enjoyed it a lot ⭐👌
Everything seems to be well balanced during the progression.
My first attempt took quite a bit, 43m 37s. Ready to speedrun it again.
A couple of details I'm not sure I got right:
- I see you can collect also hostile fishes, not 100% sure if it's when they don't show the aggressive "!"? Otherwise you got hit (and I suppose quality of suit can take more dmg)
- I imagine the

@Heracleum Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it! :)
Yes, hostile fish spawn with a "!" above their heads. If you touch them, you lose a lot of oxygen. They disappear after about 5 seconds, and after that, you can safely collect them.
And as for the gold statue, it doesn't really have a purpose, apart from being able to say that you've 100% the game. It's up to you whether you want to make any% or 100%. Personally, I think it's more fun to do a speedrun without the gold statue, because then you spend less time farming materials.
Feel free to let me know if you do any speedruns; I'd be interested to know what time you can achieve! I've completed the game about ten times, and my record is around 15 minutes.

I loved it, the progression works great, it is easy to pick up and very easy to get lost in. I was very curious about the depth, really nice choice for a setting!
My only gripe is that my hand hurts from going up, but it was worth it.

This is quite fun...reminds me of Ridiculous Fishing which is great! The only thing that took be a bit were the controls. I wanted to press a button to swim instead of Up d-pad so I died a lot at first, lol - Also the P key will pause the game so you don't need to add in a pause control yourself...then you could use A/B button as an alternate for swimming as well.
Really good job with this...I still haven't built the jetpack jet but I'll keep trying. Cheers!

@Heracleum - Use Splore more :) It's the best way to browse and discover games without always having to dig through the BBS. Things do get buried easily and quickly.
I wish folks would publish more of their games to the BBS instead of going straight to Itch and skipping the website. Discovery on Itch is difficult in general whereas Splore provides a baked-in audience ready to play.

This game was so fun! I never thought I'd get infested in a game that falls into this genre!

Very nice overall. The launcher formula keeps working for me after all these years. Getting things to buy bonuses that help you get more things faster somehow still feels thrilling to me... Throw in some optional skill related efficiency, and voila, good game.
Minor suggestion about the controls : you could set the initial btnp delay to 4 frames for smoother swimming. (poke(0x5f5c, 4))

This was quite fun to play through till the end! I love the upgrades

A great start of a 100 game journey! Glad I spotted this jetpack action/crafting game just in time for my Monday video.

This is a neat little game! It's a fun little diversion, and the graphics are cute.
My only complaint is the menu buttons are confusing, and I kept hitting the wrong ones. I think the reason why is this inconsistency:
- Select a menu item: X
- Open submenu: X
- Open main menu: Z
For me, menu controls are a lot more intuitive if one button always performs the "forward" action (e.g., open the menu, buy an item) while the other button always performs the "reverse" action (close menu, go back to previous menu). If X was the button that opened the main menu (and Z's only use is to back out of things), I think this would feel a lot smoother.
That's my only gripe, though. Thanks for making this game!

Took 26 minutes to reach the star cause I spent gold to construct golden statue.
I can figure out capturing fishes in the ocean but in the skies? whoa! that's unprecedented. Too bad no crafting material there.
Speaking of which, it would be better if there were upgrade to increase the chance of finding more materials.

The game was very fun but their would be a hard mode. And the ! enemys shouls quit you oxigen. But it's actually a good game.

SO great! Very cute game, really fitting for Pico8. PB of 12:11!

@CrownDeluxe, 12mn is a solid time. Still wondering if a lucky sub 10mn is possible, and if so, what the best any% strat might be.
For example, radar seems to increase spawn rate of fish and materials, but the last levels use resources that I find myself missing at the end of the run.
How far should you upgrade ?
Also unsure about the best use of money for the upgrades...
Any tips aside from get good, don't die and hurry in the shop ?

I could've done it a lot faster but I really wanted the gold statue.very cute statue, nonetheless!

Had to fly up twice because I forgot to let the jetpack go up to 400 before taking off!

edit: pr 8:41!

This is the best PICO-8 game ive ever played! At the end I found out I spent a whole hour on this! I maxed out everything and had a lot of fun!

I love this game! the mechanics, the gameplay, the difficulty, ¡everything is good! i like how the PICO-8 community can do so good things like this.
Of course, This is the time i took to complete the game. Almost 20 minutes! (complete almost 100% of the game!)

This is such a wonderful, lovely game. I completed it and maxed everything out, 45 mins five or take, at a very leisurely pace. Such a great experience - thank you so much!
Only comment: the wood icons kind of look like the "poo emoji" according to my son, who watched me play and asked why were there so many poos in the water :) I explained the game to him and now wants to play it as well, so that's great!
Well done.

I love the retro feel to this game, will hopefully inspire me to create games like this, good job!

This is such a charming little game. I really loved every minute of it. It's nice to have a change of pace from the many punishing (though brilliant) offerings on here.
I did get a weird physics glitch on the second jetpack upgrade where I'd constantly double jump or bounce as I tried to descend. Made it super easy to farm sky fish, but I'm guessing it wasn't intended.

This game is great! Spent 25 minutes playing it. I didn't get the golden statue, though. Maybe it was just my eagerness to test out my maxed out jetpack lol.
At first I was confused why I would need upgrades because I thought it was just the surface with some fish by the boat. But voila! It went deeper. I really enjoyed the bouncing text.
I agree with morningtoast about the pause button being z. It felt like it could've been used for swimming rather than pausing the game.
Awesome game! Keep 'er going!

Finished the game in 43 minutes. It was 43 minutes of pleasure. I immersed myself in the pixel underwater world and relaxed. I really liked how you worked on the sound design when changing the height of the dive and takeoff.
I did not immediately understand what to do with the fish near which there was "!". But since I am a big fan of Metal Gear, I figured it out.
Thank you very much for the game!)

Gosh this is everything I love in a pocket game. Thanks so much for this. I absolutely adored this. Truly wonderful.

Peak game, I found that gold and wood were somehow the easiest materials to get so rock and strings were hard to get when I needed, great game overall!(100% btw)

Got into the game knowing only the name and was delightfully surprised by the fishing, this has really fun mechanics, overall great game!

This was the best game I have ever played, I finished the game entirely and got 50k money very fast, I recommend people to play this game.
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