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I have a problem

this is how my daily life goes:

  • I get a awesome idea.

  • I start forming the vision (in my mind or paper)

  • Have a full gamdesign document

  • Next day start new project

  • Next ~month I work and improve the game every minute possible.

  • the motivation starts fading

  • forget for a few days or I work way less

  • cycle repeats

And just by following this workflow, I have created many many games.
They are (mostly) all basically finished and are missing very little to completion.
Here is a list of all:

  • Failed Monsters

    Man oh man, this is basically my first game and I havent been working on it for months.
    This project has been dragging me for years. Because this has been looking like this

    • Make new feature

    • Oh, 8192...

    • Next two weeks optimizing and learning new things

    • Oh, I was so bad three weeks ago, this code could be done way better

    • One week later, what can I add next?

    and thats how time went making this game, which is a shame. To me this game is a result of my learning with pico 8, thats why its full with bugs. and my current skills clash with my old ones. thats why its hard to work on it.

  • boxig

    A two player game ( had to play alone in the gifs )
    where each player is a glove and has to try to kick of the other one
    a newer verion has diffrent gammodes and more arenas.
    Which then are randomly combined to get alot of uniqe combinations.

  • Jelpeste

    Celeste but jelpi

  • simpleste

    Celeste but simple

  • Duckling

    a 1-2 player game having 64 levels, hard-mode, secret-mode and ???.
    You can team up with your buddy or play against each other.
    diffrent ducks are also here. One of my favorite games I think it only needs music.
    Music for Duckling

  • dungeon game

    After seeing bitsy.org i was truly inspired.
    making this game was more of a programming practice.
    This Game includes the simplest way to be expanded, which you can see in the Gifs.
    And if you dont own Pico 8 then there is a option to make new "Objects" (npcs, cats, interactables) inside the
    running game, with super easy ui and even a build in sprite editor.

  • Golf game

    A cozy Golf game having currently including following features: multiple golf-balls and goals (not always 1-1),
    non-one-screen-levels, nice sfx and much more.

  • green ( I suck at naming)

    A recently made game and really its just missing some map, and like a menu or starting screen.
    My goal with this game was to change the visuals which I usually do. I also wanted to make something original, to
    show and change the standart. like
    the jumping ability which you can test soon, or some other things.

  • new platformer ( project name, dont ask why )

    I am really unsure about this one, I made it a while ago and the learning curve is really steep.
    The goal is to get to end very quick, and find the best route. Now there is only one level.

  • the meist (the most + the heist = the meist money)

    My most recent project, its in a very early state.
    Goal: rob bank

    • make random bank and more stuff
  • many more....

  • tory

    (coming soon...)
  • Now I need your help to choose which game to be published first or even be finished.

    thank you in advance :)

    is this just a vote how many vote(s) do I have?

    green (mole) +
    meist +

    or do you like some inputs?
    Green looks like a nice exploration game, this ability to break boundries and move free around has a nive feeling.

    Meist looks stressful but I like this safe opening with button combinations, would be nice to see a story and a ninja like game, with memorizing codes for doors, safes. Some lights/shadows building exploration.

    Without playing carts, what do you think is a finished cart? The game gifs looked quite finished.
    You have tons of carts in your profile, are they all unfinished?

    My daily life btw is. (if I'm not to disciplined)

    • start pico-8 to finish a game
    • take a short look on Lexaloffle BBS
    • play a fancy game/ find a thread to read and respond / look at post of some guy who created tons of carts
    • spend hours reading code / test carts
    • shoutdown pico-8

    Heist +1

    You are blessed with good a good design mindset, good art style and clearly some coding skills. Try to find a game idea that you really want others to enjoy and get that out of the door.

    Other option is to team up, nothing beats bouncing ideas and share the weight of releasing a game.

    meist +
    duckling +

    love topdown shooters, and that one seems like one hell of a good one
    also really need some multiplayer pico 8 games that i can play with my friend who loves platformers lol, duckling seems like something he'll enjoy

    duckling then golf!

    failed monsters at some point (you’ll have to decide what to cut)
    heist seems fun too

    I suffer from the same disease...get a good idea, slam something out but never finish for some reason. Although I do enjoy revisiting ideas to find a game is 60% complete so that in and of itself is a little motivating to get games across the finish line.

    The Meist game looks more interesting out of that list.

    I think you should finish green and simpleste
    Also, can I have the carts for these, I want to play simpleste but can’t find it anywhere

    Thanks to everyone, for responding. So seeing this, it looks like
    Duckling and Meist have the most votes.
    I will probably finish all the games, so dont worry.
    And Andrew967 I will upload some of the games on this page including simpleste.

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