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Cart #wavespark3-10 | 2024-09-17 | Embed ▽ | No License

A long-overdue sequel to an obscure one-button game I made eons ago, which inspired some better-known descendants. Hold X to increase gravity. Race rightward through checkpoints if you want (my record so far is 11).


Wow, amazing polish and attention to detail! Plays very well on mobile. Is that deformable terrain I see?

This is great! Great feel and vibe. It's just the kind of thing I love to see being made on Picotron. I'm only at 6 for my high score just off my initial play.


Indeed it is deformable terrain! The ground is based on a deterministic composition of sine functions and there's a ring buffer of terrain deltas added on top of it (which exponentially decays in order to tidy it up smoothly by the time you wrap around it). The craters are made with two sine-based bell curves of equal area and differing width, to conserve mass.

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